Introduction of the Pinyin course:

For the people who want to learn Chinese alphabet, Chinese phonetic alphabet, Chinese pronunciation, the Pinyin course is the right choice.

Learning Chinese pronunciation is the first step of learning the Chinese language.  Chinese is not a language written in Chinese alphabet, there is no way to guess the pronunciation of a Chinese character or a Chinese word. 

Although Chinese is not written in Chinese alphabet there is something like that we can use to learn Chinese pronunciation, which is called Pinyin in Chinese. Pinyin is the Chinese phonetic alphabet that was invented and used as a tool of learning  pronunciations of Chinese characters. Anyone who is seriously to learn Chinese should learn pinyin first. The good thing is that Pinyin is simple and easy to learn.

In the Pinyin course, you will learn how to read Pinyin letters, initials, finals, and all possible combinations (all possible syllables that appeared in the Chinese xinhua Chinese dictionary are included). You will be able to read any Chinese character with pinyin marked after the pinyin course.

The pinyin course contains 16 lessons; The last three lessons are exercises, click here for the content of the Pinyin course. The course can be finished by 2-4 weeks by self-studying. You will learn all the possible pronunciations in standard Putong hua. The lessons usually  contain text files and sound files. The text files are general tutorials written in English, Pinyin syllables with the same finals, and sample Chinese words written in Chinese characters with pinyin and English. 

Anyone who can understand basic English can understand the course easily. The sound files will help you to learn the Chinese pronunciation through listening. 

For a limited time, you can buy the course at the price of 10.95$. 

The price  includes a data CD, an audio CD, and shipping and handling fee. The package will be delivered by regular mail.

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