Update of site postponed until further notice. (Hopefully) I'll be back soon.

Anyone wishing to contact me can do so via MSN messenger or ICQ. (I've an invisible mode enabled, so I may be online but still appear offline)

MSN: yybtcbk@hotmail.com
ICQ: 223344296

Transcendental Rainbows; click to see origin of title
The rainbow that spans the sky...

What may possibly lie
   Beyond that rainbow...

It's not just an illusion...

Some day...
   If I could go over the rainbow...
(c) [this site] (original picture)


     You are the Counter th visitor of this page.  since 15/03/2003
Most recent update: 30 November 2003
The next planned kiri-bans are 444.
(kiri-ban=any number that looks good, like 100, 111, 123, 1221)
Could the visitor that hit 300 or 333 please contact me?

  If you feel that you've visited on a number appropriate of being a kiri-ban, please do not hesitate to contact me; I will decide if the claim is legitimate, at my sole discretion, and if it is, you will gain a place in the kiri-ban 'Hall of Fame'.

Contents' Update History:
prog link button
apps link button
interact link button
reading link button
  Hover over a button to see a brief explanation of the corresponding section and the pages in that section; you can follow the links to those pages directly from here.

  Alternatively, click on the button to go to the section's index page for better explanations of the pages. Users with Javascript disabled should continue in this manner as well.
E-mail me at msn Hotmail Click to send E-mail to my hotmail account
E-mail me at Yahoo! mail Click to send E-mail to my Yahoo! account
You can also send me an e-mail using this form.

I am currently
my online status
Send me an instant message when I'm online:
Hover over an icon to see my ID
for the corresponding service.
MSN Messenger ID: yybtcbk@hotmail.com Yahoo! Messenger ID: yybtcbk(@yahoo.com)
ICQ ID: 223344296 AOL Messenger ID: yybtcbk

A banner for this site. I drew the background picture using Paint, and then used suuta's LOGO! to create the banner.
Other banners can be found on a separate banners page.
Transcendental Rainbows Banner

My URL: http://www.oocities.org/yybtcbk/     
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Site created: 6 March 2003