Like all new products, market support is needed to survive. If successful, the pay and printing size/quality will improve [NOTE: Payment will be on publication, usually 2 months after acceptance].  All I ask for is FNASR for original pieces (no reprints).

Here's what I need:

LENGTH:   Up to 1000 words (250-500 words is ideal).
PAY:          3 cents/word US (5 cents/word Canadian) plus a complimentary copy and 50% off a subscription.
TIPS:         Try to AVOID combining genres (eg. no SF-H stories).  No erotica, gore, or "silly" stories.
                 Make sure that the story is complete [i.e. it needs plot/setting/character(s)].

STYLES:    Any (rhyming, free verse, haiku, etc), as long as it is obviously SF, F or H.
LENGTH:   Up to 40 lines.
PAY:          3 cents/word US (5 cents/word Canadian) plus a complimentary copy and 50% off a subscription.

SIZE:        Any, but it will be sized to fit a 4.5" x 5.5" page.
PAY:         $35 US ($50 Canadian), 3 complimentary copies, and 50% off a subscription.

SIZE:        Any, but it will sized to either 1/4, 1/3, or 1/2 of a 4.5" x 5.5" page.
PAY:         $5 US ($7.50 Canadian), a complimentary copy, and 50% off a subscription.
All queries/submissions can be sent via e-mail or snail mail.  Multiple and simultaneous submissions are fine, but only send one piece at a time for each e-mail.  Please, no reprints at this time.  If your work is a simultaneous submission, please tell me if it is purchased by another magazine.  Finally, please follow these guidelines:


1. In the subject line, title your story: "TriSpec - Submission - (genre) - Story - (story title) - (word count)".
For example:

                                    TriSpec - Submission - Horror - Story - Good Dog - 234

2. Embed your story into the body of the e-mail.  Attachments WILL NOT be accepted.
3. If your e-mail program does not allow bold or italics, use astericks to bold (eg. *bold this*) and <> to italicize (eg. <italicize this>).
4. Be sure to include a short (under 100 word) bio.  You can add a recent prize/sale and home page URL.

1. In the subject line, title your poem: "TriSpec - Submission - Poem - (poem title) - (line count) - (word count)". For example:

                              TriSpec - Submission - Fantasy - Poem - Unicorn Love - 36 - 102

2. Embed your poem into the body of the e-mail.  Attachments WILL NOT be accepted.
3. If your e-mail program does not allow bold or italics, use astericks to bold (eg. *bold this*) and <> to italicize (eg. <italicize this>).
4. Be sure to include a short (under 100 word) bio.  You can add a recent prize/sale and home page URL.

I don't mind getting hard copy submissions, but people shouldn't need to pay postage to have their work considered.  However, if you insist on this route, send up to three pieces to:

TriSpec Magazine
297 Duke Street
Saint John, NB
E2L 1P4
I promise to personally reply as often as possible, usually within 1-2 months.  Click here to return to the main page.  Click here to see the submissions stats (updated daily).

Best of luck!

John Garrett, Editor