Clan Info:
Point System
Here is the current point system. This is still in a balancing stage so it might change often/at any time. These points are what your ranks are based on. For more info on ranks, visit the Ranks page. If at any point the member reaches 0 points (non-initiate), the member will be kicked out of the clan with no warning.

Current Point System:
  • 20 points for being in the clan for a week (Initiate).
  • 8+X points if you level up (where X is the level -1).
  • +X points for ladder wins (where X is your total wins (recalculated every week)).
  • X/2 points for regular losses (where X is your total losses (recalculated every week)).
  • 50 points per month of membership (if you're active).
  • 10*X points for forum activeness (where X is your forum posts, spam doesn't count).
  • 50 points for becoming a Staff Member (must be active staff member).
  • 30 points for submitting a class talent build you've made (limit 30 points/month) (must reach at least level 40 with build).
  • 10 points for submitting a player vs player strategy you've made (limit 30 points/month).
  • 10 points for submitting a screenshot (unlimited points/month).
  • 20 points for attending a clan meeting.
  • 25 points for participating in a clan tournament.
  • 35 points for participating in a clan event.
  • 50 points for winning a clan tournament.
  • 75 points for placing in a clan tournament (2nd, 3rd, or 4th).
  • -200 points for bad conduct (reported by a Gamaz Zone General or higher)