Fanfic Terms & Warnings
Handled by Mobile Suit Gundam Fanfic Representative Char Aznable
<+Couple Numbers and Letters+>
Pairings in fanfics are usually represented by (one person)X(the other person). 
They never use the whole names.  They use abbreveations and numbers.  Here they are.

Gundam Wing
1=Heero  2=Duo  3=Trowa  4=Quatre  5=Wufei  6=Zechs 
R=Relena H=Hilde  C=Cathrine  D=Dorothy S=Sally N=Noin
T=Treize  U=Une O=Original Character

Mobile Suit Gundam
       A=Amuro  B=Bright  K=Kai  R=Ryu  H=Hayato  S=Sayla  F=Frau  M=Mirai 
Ma=Matilda  W=Woody  Sl=Sleggar 
C=Char  L=Lalah  I=Icelina  Mi=Miharu 
DeZ=Degin  GiZ=Gihren  DoZ=Dozul  KZ=KishiriaGaZ=Garma 
O=Original Character

G Gundam
1=Domon  2=Chibodee  3=Sai Sici  4=George  5=Argo  6=Scwarz
R=Rain  CG=One or all of Chibodee's girls C=Cecil  M=Marie Louise  N=Nastasha  MA=Master Asia

08th MS Team
S=Shiro  T=Terry  K=Karen  E=Eledore  M=Mikhail
A=Aina  G=Ginias  N=Norris  Y=Yuri
BB=Bebe  KK=Kiki  J=Jidan  Kj=Kojima

Gundam 0080
A=Al  B=Bernie  S=Steiner  G=Gabriel  M=Mishka
C=Chris  Ch=Chay  T=Talcott  D=Dorothy  K=Killing

Gundam 0083
K=Kou  Ke=Keith  M=Monsha  A=Alpha  C=Chap
N=Nina  Mo=Mora
B=Burning  S=Synapse
G=Gato  D=Delaz  Ci=Cima

Char's Counterattack
A=Amuro  B=Bright  CA=Chan  H=Hassoway  K=Kayra 
C= Char  Q=Quess  G=Gyunei  N=Nanai  R=Rezin
M=Mirai  CN=Cheimin 

Sad- Will sadden you.                                                                                         
Very Sad- Will depress you.                                                                                                
Tradgedy- Will devastate you.                                                                                              
Violence- Bloody battles included.                                                                                      
Extreme Violence- Very bloody battles included.                                                                                           
Character Death- A main character dies.                                                                                                   
CD+Re- A character dies but is somehow ressurected.                                                     
Nonsense- What's going on?  Theres no plot or point to the story!                                           
Parodies- Mocks another work, whether it be literature, TV, movies, or more.                        
                     AU- Alternative Universe: characters in a completely different place and time than they normally are
Fluff- Extremely sweet.                                                                                          
Sap- Sickly sweet.