Life As a Celiac Family

Here we are.  We've made the total commitment--a 100% gluten free household.  We're a family of five with one 'official' medical diagnosis, one circumstantial diagnosis, one too soon to tell, and two sympathetic parents.  We've made the decision to walk in our kid's shoes and experience firsthand exactly what it's like to live in this bizarre world of ours on this special diet. It was easy to tell someone else its not so bad--to ignore this or that unfortunate remark.  Doing it yourself is something else entirely.

But here you'll find a little evidence of what is possible!  Like driving coast to coast gluten free and sparring successfully with the Mensa candidate standing behind the register at McDonalds.  We'll document our favorite stores and sources in the Hudson Valley/Northern New Jersey area.  If you can't wait for the details to appear drop us a line( ).  Otherwise please stay tuned...

(2 pie crusts)
1. Sift together:
    1/4 tsp. salt
    1+3/4 cup white rice flour
    1/4 cup Green Bean Powder*
2. Add:
    3/4 cup +2 Tbsp. butter
3. Cut butter into flour mixture with a pastry blender until well
4. Add:
    2 eggs
    1tsp. red wine vinegar
5. Gradually add while mixing enough cold water to form a ball.
6. Flour(rice) a board or wax paper well.
7. Divide dough in half, form two balls  Flour top of one ball and roll
out dough. (keep dusting top with flour as you roll out).
8.  For POPTARTS use rectangular cookie cutter approx. size of pop tart
( we have a gingerbread house roof cutter that's just the right size).
Cut two pieces.
9. Apply 2 Tbsp. Solo pie filling to one piece.
10. Place 2nd piece on top and seal the edges.
11. Prick the top with a fork.
12. Bake at 350deg. on Cookie sheet for 15-20 minutes or until done.
13. When cool drizzle with 10x sugar and milk mixture and gluten free
14. Same dough can be used for pie crust and top in normal fashion. Top
dough should roll up on rolling pin fairly easily
without cracking!
*Green Been Powder available at Asian Markets