Teri Smith

Using Productivity Software




Using Productivity Software in Teaching and Learning

I have found that by using productivity in software in my classroom has helped me by being more productive and accurate.  Word processing has been a benefit by aiding me in saving time.  Being a teacher time is of the essence and with my word processor I am able to correct as I go and modify the materials at hand that I am planning on teaching my students.  It has helped me in being more efficient.  I am amazed when I have cut my time in half by using the computer as opposed to the typewriter.  Thank goodness for modern technology.  I also have found that by using the word processor the appearance of my material is presented in a clearer fashion which makes the students comprehend what the task at hand is involving.  Word processing has also enabled me to share lesson plans with other teachers and find new materials on the Internet to share with my students as well.

It is important that while using this software in my classroom that I have the involvement

Of my students and they are able to see the benefits that it can give them as well for a learning tool.  My students are able to use it in their written work and it does not matter which subject they want to apply it to.  Word processing is universal in that regard.  I am able to work in a group format as well.  Different lessons that I am able to apply just by changing a line or paragraph so that each group has a variation of the lesson, is not only helpful to me as a teacher but it helps each student grasp a different concept.  By working together they are able to problem solve and come up with a solid solution.  They are also feeding off of each other and learning.

By having word processing as part of my curriculum it has turned into a win-win experience for all involved.  This is most definitely why it is a part of my day-to-day classroom activities.

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Last modified: March 18, 2001 by Teri Smith All rights reserved.