3 Months

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Zackary at 3 months

3 months and now weighs 6.040kg
written by Mum - 10.10.2000

My beautiful and cute baby boy. He is so well behaved I actually have a life.
When Dad is away working we sometimes go into town early (8am) and cruise around and Zack sleeps.

Screwy (our dog) and Zack get along really well except for when Screwy chews the dummy up and he is still not sure what Zack is and stands on him (no harm done) but it wont be long before Zack will learn to keep the dog under control.

A message from Zack's Nanna

There is no mistaking who this baby boy looks like


What do you think "Gran" ?

weight update
24.10.2000 - 6.860kg
ZAC  3 months
Zackary at 3 months


He is growing so quickly.
Started in "00000" size and three months later his is in "00".
He is turning his head and watching every move I make. Has grown out of his basinet and is now in his cot.

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