You Guys Just Made it to Complicated For me all the hate mail and Things people say i mean gosh JUst mean things thank you for the people that treated the site and its values with respect i know some people will be mad or sad which ever and you may feel liek you need to put your comment in but the site is going to be shut down  maybe it might come back but just with another name  if so i will link you  the annoying site is still up if you guys know about it its intitled DONT CLICK THIS well its up i hope you guys dont click it hehe but yes im sorry and maybe my madness will still continue but i just got fustrated  and man it was just bad i do plan on making a music code site soon with reqeusts so yawl may like that Thats all i ahve to say... Thank you guys! .::+Zack+::.
You Can Still Go to These awesome sites
Matts Site
Heathers Site

The End
Or is it....