Estes Rockets For Begginners
Estes rockets are all in fun and excitement. The rockets can fly over 100-250 or maybe more feet. They get to that height by using a something called a rocket engine. The rocket engine also helps pop out your parachute so that they safely land on the ground.but to get the rocket off the ground you need a  ,launch pad, some wadding ,iginiters, and plugs. the iginiters and plugs are put into the engine a certain way so that it will launch correctly. you also need a thing that sends a electrical charge to the iginiter so that it will launch the rocket but to do that you need a certain kind of key that you need to put into the thing that sets the rocket off with electric. If that sounds like fun wait and see what you have to do to get most rockets you have to build them with plastic and rubber cement and normal glue wich mainly you have supply your self. All though you can by small rockets that are pre assembled. you also have to supply your engines,wadding(comes with engines), iiginiters (comes with engines),and plugs (comes with engines). for 4 engines and all of the above it costs about $5.00. the rocket can range from about $9.00 to $40.00 but its all worth it.

the more you do it the more advanced you get so to keep yourself busy you should buy more advanced rockets to assemble. the thing is the more advanced they are the fancier and more expensive.the other part is that they all take different engines so that the harder the rocket the harder they are to supply them with what they need but its hard to get advanced rockets.

after awhile the rockets will wear out if they take a hard landing or if they aren't well takin care of. the reason is because they aren't just toy's they are also modles. so they need to be takin care of.

also the larger the rocket the larger the engine and the higher it goes and the more chances of losing it. its even riskier if there is wind. the wind carries the rocket when the parachute is out.

even though they take work they are always worth it when you see them go up into the air and if you get one with a camera they are even better because you see what the rocket sees. so i hope you enjoy your rocket.
My Info:
Name: Zac