You Bring Me Joy

(Like a Best Friend Should)


by Zaen

Chapter One

1. Monday Morning

            Monday morning.  Justin watches his computer monitor come to life as he sips his hot Dunkin Donuts coffee.  He sighs for no particular reason.  He’s only 5 minutes late today, and his supervisor’s office door is closed anyway.  Justin bites into an apple fritter and opens up the project he’s been working on for the past 3 weeks.  He types about 4 lines of code when Lance and Chris sneak in on tiptoes.  They relax when they see that Johnny’s door is shut, and immediately start babbling as they turn on their computers.  Justin has to stand to see them over the blue shag carpeted dividers of his cubicle.  They wave happily at him and motion in the direction of the cafeteria.  Justin holds up his coffee, and they stick their tongues out at him and run off in search of an unhealthy breakfast.  Justin sits back down and sucks the apple filling from his fingers as his eyes travel to the empty cubicle across the room.  Last Friday there were boxes of supplies and reams of dot-matrix paper scattered all over that desk.  Now it’s cleaned off and there’s a new stack of empty in-out trays.  New blood.


            Johnny’s door opens and everyone’s monitors quickly change from FreeCell to Excel.  Justin overhears Johnny introduce the newbie to everyone in the department.  He can’t see anything over the top of the cubicles but Johnny’s bald head and a heap of longish brunette curls.  There hasn’t been a woman in their department since before Justin started at Zeeks Technologies 6 months ago.  Justin had been her replacement, and now that woman is a junior vice president in some other department.  That thought encourages and frightens Justin, as he doesn’t want to think of himself tied down to this, his first job out of college.  Justin takes a sip of his now cold coffee, makes a face, and stands up to pat his pants for loose change.  When Justin looks up he sees him.  He’s at Joey’s desk, smiling brightly and talking animatedly with his hands.  Justin is confused for a second until he sees the hair.  It’s the new girl—guy.  He looks over at Justin and smiles cordially, and Justin looks away quickly, grabs his empty coffee cup and hurries off to the cafeteria.  There he stares at the coffee vending machine, contemplating vanilla or mocha, purposefully not thinking about those eyes.  They were a strange silvery blue, penetrating, but in a good way.  Appealing.  Justin squeezes his eyes shut so he can no longer see those eyes…those lips…that face.  He sighs and pushes the button for decaf.


            Justin takes his time returning to his desk, stopping to flirt with some of the female interns on the way.  When he finally gets back, Joey is talking to Chris and Lance.  He—the new guy—is sitting in the chair at the previously empty desk.  The desk directly across from Justin’s.  In plain sight of Justin’s desk.  Justin sits down at his desk and takes a deep breath.  Soon enough Joey is at his desk with the new guy with the silver eyes. 

            “Hey, Justin,” Joey exclaims, smiling brightly.  He wraps his arm around the new guy’s shoulder, Justin notices, for some reason.  “This is Justin.  He’s the baby of the department, hasn’t even been here a year, right?”  Justin nods, staring at Joey and nowhere else.  “Justin Timberlake, this is Josh Chasez.”

            “Nice to meet you, Justin,” the new guy—Josh—says as he extends his hand.  Justin glances at him and looks down at his hand.  Those eyes.  Justin shakes his hand firmly.  Then he realizes that he hasn’t said anything and he tries to keep from blushing.

            “Um…ahem.  Nice to meet you, too.  Josh.”  Justin clears his throat; like that’s the reason his voice is so weak.  He looks back at Josh’s face, their hands still together.

            “Yeah, Josh and I go way back,” Joey says, then slaps Josh lightly on the back.  “All the way to high school.”

            “Is that right?” Justin asks, managing a small smile.  Josh smiles back and finally pulls his hand away.  Justin pulls his back too and instantly grabs his coffee cup, so his hand won’t miss the warmth.

            “Yeah, but we went to different colleges and I lost touch with him,” Joey replies with a yawn.  He pokes Josh’s shoulder.  “You went, like, far, far away right?”

            “You could say that,” Josh says with a smile, but something sad sparks his eye.  Justin notices it, but doesn’t think Joey does.  Or could.

            “Yeah, well,” Joey says warmly, not even noticing Josh’s awkwardness or Justin’s nervousness.  “Justin’s a really good programmer, so, if you need anything, he’s your man.”  Justin fights to keep from blushing, and Josh just looks at him and nods slowly.  “C’mon, Josh, I’ll introduce you to the some of the hotties in the pink collar ghetto!”

            “Ok.”  Josh turns back to Justin.  “It was nice to meet you, Justin.”

            “Yeah.”  Justin doesn’t know whether to go for another handshake or not.  They smile at each other awkwardly until Joey pulls Josh off in the direction of the secretarial pool.  Justin sits down and stares at his computer screen until his eyes burn.


            Even for a Monday Justin doesn’t get much done.  He bows out on lunch with the guys so he can catch up on work he should have done in the morning.  Joey doesn’t push, he just shrugs and leaves with Chris, Lance, and Josh in tow.  Justin watches them, averting his eyes quickly when Josh turns around to return to his desk. 

            “Are you sure you won’t come?” Josh asks with a friendly smile as he pockets his forgotten car keys.  He stops at Justin’s cubicle and lightly touches the miniature toy basketball hoop hanging from the divider wall.  “It’s a beautiful day, even if it is cold.”

            “Um, no.  I’ve got a Powerbar, so I’m alright,” Justin says, his eyes glued to Josh’s tapered fingers on his precious Nerf basketball net.  He looks right into Josh’s silvery blue eyes and says, “Thanks, though.  Have a nice lunch.  Josh.”

            “Ok.  See you later.”  Josh walks away and Justin has to force himself to not look.

            Justin doesn’t get much of anything done the rest of the day.  He does manage to change his desktop color to a very specific shade of silvery-blue.


            Josh is in training sessions all Tuesday morning.  Justin knows this because A) he’d done the same thing when he started at Zeeks Tech all those months ago, and B) he couldn’t help noticing the empty desk across from him.


            “So, uh, how’s the new guy working out so far?” Justin asks Joey as they pour over a Chinese takeout menu.  Joey looks up at him with a curious grin.

            “You mean Josh.”

            “Yeah.  Josh.”  Justin doesn’t know why it’s such a hard word to say.

            “Well, considering that he’s only been here one and a half days, I’d say it’s a little hard to tell,” Joey says sarcastically.

            “Whatever,” Justin grunts as he grabs the menu.  “I think I’ll get the cold sesame noodles—”

            “Why are you asking about Josh anyway?” Joey asks as he pulls his wallet out of his pocket.

            “Huh?”  Justin just ignores the embarrassment he knows must be apparent on his face.  “I was just asking, jeez!”

            “Well, ask him yourself.”  Justin shudders, blushing from ear to ear when Joey looks past his shoulder and says, “Hey, man, Justin was just asking how you’re working out here.”

            “Oh yeah?”  Josh asks softly, coming up behind Justin and gently nudging Justin’s elbow with his own.  “Are you worried I’ll steal all the good paperclips?” he asks with a huge smile.

            “No.”  Justin hopes he doesn’t sound as pathetic as he really is.  “Just being neighborly.”

            “Right,” Joey laughs.  “I’m gonna go see what the other guys want.  Pick anything you want, guys.  Lunch is on me!”

            “Whoa, big spender!” Josh chuckles.  Joey walks away with the menu and gives him the finger, leaving Justin and Josh alone.  Justin is suddenly nervous, and feels stupid for feeling that way.

            “So,” Justin says, patting his pockets absentmindedly.  “How do you like Zeeks Tech so far?”

            “I like it fine,” Josh says.  “So far, I mean.  The people here are very friendly.”

            “Yeah.”  Justin looks at Josh briefly, but Josh is smiling at him so bright and blue and pretty that Justin looks away.  Joey rushes back with his cell phone.

            “What did you want, Josh?” Joey says as he flips open his phone.

            “I’ll just get my usual—the cold sesame noodles,” Josh says.

            “Oh!”  Joey almost laughs, and Justin blushes.  “That’s what Justin’s ordering.”  Justin waits for the earth to open up and swallow him.  “You guys want me to just order a quart and you can share?”

            “That’s fine with me,” Josh says.  Justin pretends to change the time on his watch so he won’t have to look into Josh’s sweet blue eyes.  “Uh, is that ok with you, Justin?”  Justin nods, afraid to say anything, and Joey giggles and runs off toward Chris and Lance.  Justin can feel Josh’s eyes on him, so he forces himself to meet his gaze.  “Good taste, man,” Josh says, his eyes twinkling, actually twinkling.  He walks away, and Justin is completely mortified.


            When Josh walks past Justin’s desk at 5PM, he says, “Goodnight, neighbor,” with a silly grin.  When he’s gone, Justin bangs his head on his desk.


            Wednesday and Thursday are busy.  Joey, Chris, and Lance spend a lot of time with Josh, getting him up to speed on the company’s latest projects.  Justin has a Friday deadline, so he is spared the extra burden of spending time alone with Josh, pouring over printouts, squeezed into the tight space of Josh’s cubicle.  Justin looks up from his screen every once in a while, when he hears a silly giggle or a programming question that he just knows he knows the answer to, or just any old time.  Usually Josh is deep in concentration, learning, reading, typing code.  Justin thinks—he can tell already—that Josh is dedicated to his work.  He likes that in a person.  Josh’s laugh is pretty pleasant too, Justin thinks after hearing it a few times.  In such close quarters it’s important to be comfortable with one’s coworkers.  It makes the day go faster if you get along, if there’s some reason to look forward to getting up Monday through Friday, Justin thinks.


            Sometimes Justin looks over at the formerly empty desk, expecting to see dust and accumulated debris, only to find a chestnut mane of curls.  Or steel blue eyes.


            Justin tries not to look too much.  He tries.



2. First Friday at 5 PM

            Friday at 5PM on the dot, Joey, Chris, and Lance descend upon Justin’s desk. 

            “Ready to go?” Chris asks Justin, who looks frazzled as he squints at the lines of code on his monitor.

            “I…ugh.”  Justin sighs and looks at his watch.  “I think I’m gonna miss out on happy hour this week, guys.”

            “Aw, c’mon,” Chris groans.  “You can always come in tomorrow morning and finish that project, man.  The ladies of Pearl’s Necklace await!”

            “I’m sorry, guys,” Justin says, just as Josh approaches them, putting on his coat, wearing a broad smile.

            “Hey, Justin.  Ready to go?” Josh asks.

            “Justin doesn’t think he’s gonna come with us,” Joey says, rolling his eyes.  Justin looks from Joey to Chris to Lance to Josh, whose smile lessens in intensity a little, but not in brilliance.

            “Oh, that’s too bad,” Josh says.  “Joe tells me you guys go every Friday for happy hour.”

            “Yeah, we do,” Justin says sadly.  “I just…I really need to finish this.  And I could use the overtime anyway.”

            “Don’t be a party pooper,” Lance gripes, looking at his watch.  “C’mon!  If we don’t get there soon, all the free hot wings will be gone!” 

            “And the half price lap dances!” Chris adds.  Justin notices Josh’s eyebrows rise.  He wonders which of those statements Josh is reacting to.

            “You guys go on without me,” Justin says miserably.  “Maybe if I get enough done I’ll meet you there later.”  Chris starts to protest, but Joey stops him.

            “Ok, man.  We’re leaving.”  He pushes Chris and Lance forward.  “Come on, guys.  See ya, J.”

            “Have a good time,” Justin says to their retreating backs.  Josh stares at Justin as he zips up his coat.

            “I’m sorry you can’t come along,” Josh says.  His face is hard to read.

            “Yeah, well.  Hopefully I’ll be able to go next time,” Justin says.

            “You have a deadline?”

            “Yeah.  I really need to finish this ASAFP.”

            “I see,” Josh says with a smile.  He moves, and suddenly he’s right next to Justin, leaning one hand on Justin’s desk and the other on the back of Justin’s chair.  Justin suddenly feels a little warm.  “Maybe I can help you out?”

            “Oh, no, you don’t have to do that,” Justin says, his voice weak.  He clears it as he looks at Josh’s hand on his desk blotter.  Josh’s thumb covers Justin’s dentist appointment at the end of the month.  His pinky brushes against Sunday brunch with an old college friend.  Nice hands.

            “Are you sure?  It’d be no trouble,” Josh says as he casually scans the monitor.  Their eyes meet, and Josh smiles warmly.  Nice smile.  Very nice eyes.  Smells pretty good.  Justin shivers.

            “Yeah, yeah.  You, um, you go ahead.  Have fun,” Justin snaps as he turns from Josh’s gaze back to his monitor.  Josh hesitates, his hand still on Justin’s chair.  Justin leans back without thinking, and feels Josh’s knuckles graze the back of his neck.  Soft knuckles.  “Just go, ok?”  Justin groans inwardly at how silly he sounds.  “Have a lapdance for me.”

            “Sure,” Josh says with a crooked smile.  He walks slowly back to the front of Justin’s desk, sliding his gloves over his hands as he moves.  Justin tries not to watch Josh smooth the leather down his graceful hands.  He looks away quickly when Josh wraps the strap of his satchel over his shoulder.  “Well…see ya, Justin.”

            “Yeah.  Have a good time.”  Justin musters up a bright smile as he watches Josh walk away.  He curses to himself and looks at the screen.  The characters suddenly seem to make no sense, and before he knows it he’s getting out of his seat.  He grabs his coat, rounds the wall of his cubicle and almost runs into Josh.

            “Oh!  Sorry,” Josh says, his hands in front of him defensively.  They step back and look at each other curiously. 

            “Weren’t you leaving?” Justin asks nervously, fighting the blush creeping up his face.

            “Yeah, I.  I just…um,” Josh says, sounding nervous himself.  “I thought I forgot something, but…no.”  He runs his gloved fingers thought his curls, and Justin has to look away for a second.  “So, I guess I’m off.  Unless you, um, changed your mind?”  He looks from the coat in Justin’s hands back to Justin’s eyes.  His smile is bright but inscrutable.  Justin takes a step back.

            “No, I gotta get back to work.”  Josh nods and steps back, too.

            “Ok.  Have a nice weekend, Justin.”

            “You, too.”  Justin watches Josh turn and exit the building.  Then he returns to his desk and plays FreeCell for half an hour.


            Justin spends his weekend wishing he weren’t wishing it were Monday already.




            Justin catches himself staring at Josh sometimes.  Not in a bad way.  He doesn’t even notice until it happens.  It’s unavoidable, really.  With the wall to his right and the cubicle behind and in front of him, the only free space around Justin is on his left side—the side facing Josh’s desk.  Justin tries to force himself to stare up at the ceiling or down at his hands when he needs to look at something other than his monitor.  That only lasts so long, and soon enough he’s glancing in Josh’s direction, if only for a moment.


            Sometimes, if he lingers too long, he catches Josh looking back.  Always smiling.








Copyright © KTA December 2, 2002 – June 2, 2004