A New Career

by Domino

Chapter 1

The package arrives.

She was a silent figure that approached the huge gates of the large mansion she could see in the distance of long driveway. The woman was carrying a small carriage that she placed carefully on the ground and knelt down to secure it. She stayed down for a few minutes staring at it before in a quick decisive moment she stood up and rang the intercom button next to the gate.

It was a quite dignified woman's voice that answered. "Hello. Can I help you?"

"I have a package here for Mr Lebeau. He needs to sign for it. Could he please come to the gate." She requested.

"One moment please. He'll be there shortly," the voice replied.

Inside the mansion Storm went looking for Gambit and together they walked down the driveway.

At the gate the woman gave one last look at the carriage and silently gave her apologies and good-byes before turning around and climbing the nearest tree to observe. Tears were running down her face now as she waited the short time it took for Remy and Storm to walk down.
She watched them approach and look around for her before spotting the carriage on the ground in front of them.

"Didn't you say I must sign for somethin' ,non?" Gambit inquired.

"She did say you had to. I guess she changed her mind," Storm said.

"Wonder what's in the package. I'm not expectin' anythin'. Looks to Remy like a baby carriage." Gambit bent down to pick it up and lifted the tucked in blanket only to gasp in surprise at the sleeping face looking back at him. Storm over his shoulder looked even more shocked.

"Dat a baby?" Remy asked like there was a question.

"Is it yours , Remy?" questioned Ororo in a rather disbelieving voice.

"No , of course not. I just got back from the Arctic and besides Rogue..." he let the answer trail of still staring at he baby.

As if she could feel the eyes on her the baby blinked open her eyes and seeing all the strange faces looking at her she began to cry softly putting the current holders of the baby into an immediate panic. Storm usually one of the bravest woman Remy knew had no idea what to do and immediately volunteered to fly up and check for the mother. She took off before Gambit could utter a word of protest leaving him with the crying baby confident that he would be able to handle it. Remy wasn't as sure.

He quickly picked up the baby gently trying not to hurt it and started to croon a soft lullaby. It didn't take long before the baby quieted down and went back to sleep in his arms. Watching from nearby the baby's mother gave sigh of relief her confidence in her decision increasing she watched the brother of the man she loved kiss his niece softly on the forehead. She moved further inward trying to cover herself with trees to prevent the flying woman from seeing her , glad that it was late spring and there was a lot of cover.

Storm landed back on the ground and reported no-one in sight. The woman watched as Storm picked up the carriage and Remy holding the baby walked back to the mansion staring at them until they completely disappeared. She slowly climbed down from her perch and after one last look back she walked away tears falling but sure she made the right decision. This was best her beautiful baby and her baby was after all the most important thing in the world. That was the last anyone saw of her in this part of the world.

Chapter 2

The two X-men arrived at the mansion a little bit apprehensive about the reaction of their fellow teammates and in Remy's case- Rogue. Everyone was in the kitchen at the time having lunch even Marrow who usually avoided social interaction with the rest of the X-men when Ororo and Remy walked in. The baby was asleep again.

Rogue looked up and her smile stopped halfway when she caught sight of the baby in Gambit's arms.

"What on earth is that?" Wolverine asked.

"What does it look like, Logan."

"It's a baby." Remy said , "We found her at the gates."

"Yours?" Wolvy asked.

"No" Gambit replied.

Rogue , who hadn't dared to ask the question herself , looked a bit relieved at his answer , not doubting him for a second.

Storm , ever practical , was going through the carriage during his exchange. She held up a letter triumphantly. It was addressed to Remy.
"Look what I found," she announced , "Maybe this will explain everything."

Remy told her to go ahead and read it aloud.

"Dear Remy,
You don't know me but I've heard a lot about you from Henri. It's been a while since you and your brother last spoke and even your letters have been less in the last six months. Henri was worried about you until you he received your call telling him you were okay.

You were his hero , you know. He wanted to be just like you even though you always maintained you were no-one's hero. Henri spoke about you all the time - about your tendencies to save people who a lot of the time hated you , about your lack of belief in yourself and even about the woman you loved. I think her name is Rogue.

I'll start at the beginning by firstly by introducing myself. My name is Tracey Walker. I recently moved to Orleans where I met your brother at a protest march for mutant rights. I was attacked and your brother saved my life. We fell in love almost immediately got engaged. Henri was going to leave the Thieves and everything was set. We were all packed and happy especially since I was seven months pregnant at the time. Henri couldn't wait to be a father even though he did tell me once that he always thought that you'd jump the gun on that first especially since you love kids.

Suddenly all hell broke loose and a day before we were going to leave the Assassins attacked us. Henri left to fight one last one with Thieves and he killed- stepping in front of a knife meant for someone else."

Storm stopped reading. Gambit had a look of shock and disbelief on his face. All the X-men were quiet not knowing what to say. Remy stood up silently still holding the sleeping baby and walked over to the window. Rogue came up behind him and put her arms around him. They stood like that for a while and nobody dared to speak. Everyone was still even Marrow.

Finally in a quiet voice Remy requested that Storm continue reading. She began again :

"I'm sorry you weren't told immediately but when it happened I collapsed and was rushed to hospital. The shock of Henri's death was a bit too much for me and to save my baby , they put me on some sedatives. Even so our baby was born a week later premature by 6 weeks. They kept both of us in hospital for a month as we were in pretty bad shape. I named my beautiful baby girl a name Henri and I had decided on weeks before - Savannah Remina Lebeau. Today our little angel is exactly 5 weeks and 2 days old.

I'm writing this letter because I know I can't look after her. I know that you will probably think I'm a bad mother to give my baby up but please try to understand my whole life revolved around Henri. With him gone I am nothing. The doctors keep saying that I will get better but even they are getting a tad discouraged after I have been on medication to control my depression for over a month. If I know anything it's that a baby requires a stable parent and I can't be it. Henri was my anchor and now I need you to be Savannah's. The doctor's recommend I go back home to my parent's. I'm sorry to say that my parent's don't think that highly of mutant's and I'm afraid they will not be as good as they could to Savannah or I would take her with me.

I know that you will take good care of my little angel. Please tell her that her mother loves her and did this because she taught it best. I hope she doesn't hate me. I know that you will be a great father and that she will be okay. You and Henri were brothers after all.


Storm stopped reading. She didn't what to say. Wolverine didn't that problem.

"Looks like the Cajun gonna be a father," he said.

Remy looked down at Savannah , his little Savannah and bent his head to kiss her forehead. She was beautiful he thought. Just then she opened her eyes and smiled (well it looked like a smile if baby's that young can smile.)

"She has Henri's eyes ," Remy said.

This gave them all the excuse they needed to get up and crowd around her , even Marrow. Savannah gurgled in delight at all the attention. And her new family laughed at her apparent joy.

There was a new addition to the mansion that day- a rather small addition. She might be a lot of work but she would always be loved by all her honorary aunts and uncles and especially by her Daddy.
