
One summer, after discovering the many different aspects of the internet, and the pleasures of reading fanfic, I wrote my very first story. As many first stories go, it was not brilliant, but well received. It wasn't long before I wrote another one, and another. It was like a whole new world had opened up. I was hooked, big time. To this day, while I may not always have time for writing fanfiction, I never tire of reading it. It amazes me the amount of talent there is out there, all at a click of a button.

It was during another summer while I was still at university - during a bored moment that I decided to create a site for my stuff. It was my first website, and to be honest, I have always been more interested in the writing aspects than I was in website creation.  So don't expect much.

I  read  a  lot  of  fan fiction, actually  to  be  more  honest  I  scour  the  net  for  fiction  to  read, although  I  have  only  written  a  few  of  my  own. My  interests  and  shipdoms  tend  to be  varied, but  I  am  more  inclined  towards  conventional  couples, both  in  what  I  read  and  I  what  I  write. As  you’ll  see…

Here’s  a  list  of  the  fandoms  that  I  have  written  for (so  far):

I tend to be extremely loyal to a genre while it's there, and even after. But I have discovered with great sadness, and sometimes a little disillusionment that television shows end, or get cancelled. And people change, the genre changes. Like most things in life - fanfiction is a dynamic force which never stays the same. But at the same time, it gives you the chance to fix what you don't like, tribute what you do...and in many cases, move things along at a faster pace for those too impatient to wait while the official writers get down to it.

Without further ado...my fiction!
