Two Days




Disclaimer: Not mine...

Rating: PG

Summary: M/M.
Set after Destiny




Two Days (1/1)
An after Destiny fic

It had been two days since she had last left her room, two days since she last saw Michael, 2 days since the words she had been waiting to hear for so long had finally been said.

Maria hadn't spoken to anyone except her mother in those two days, grief-filled, heart broken days mourning for the loss of him, of them, of love.

Her mother left her alone for the most part, bringing her food and forcing her to eat and holding her when she sobbed her eyes out. Amy was her barrier to the world for those two days. She blocked out everything. Liz and Alex tried to see her once, both were suffering as well but Amy did what Maria wished and kept the world at bay.

On the third day Maria woke up numb, tears all spent. She showered and went downstairs. Amy Deluca was preparing breakfast, her daughter's favourite foods. For the first time in her life, Amy was almost at the point of hatred, and it was all aimed at the lost soul she knew loved her daughter, yet had hurt her so badly, made her cry.

Maria never cried. It was strange if you considered what personality her daughter had, the highly emotional, volatile personality. A drama queen Maria could be but she never cried. Until now. And for that Amy Deluca hated the young man she had once liked and even cared about.

Her smile at seeing Maria in the kitchen was bright and so full of relief that Maria was obliged to give a slight smile back.

It was interesting the reversal of roles that existed in the Deluca household, where Maria was more the mother and Amy the child. For once, in the last few days the reversal had been inverted, however what passed as normal at the Deluca's was slowly returning.

Two days. That's what Maria had given herself. It was all hers, however, she had been a caretaker her whole life. People needed her to be happy, somewhat wacky and a little weird. Her mum needed her. Liz needed her and Alex needed her. And so Maria would do what she was great at. She faked it. Hid the pain, the hurt, the anguish. If some of it seeped through occasionally, she hoped at the very least no one saw it.

She hoped she was strong enough for this, strong enough to leave the house. To face everyone and everything with all the memories she knew would hit her as soon as she left her sanctuary. Strong enough to face Michael again without breaking down.

Amy Deluca looked at her quiet daughter sitting across from her and wished for her to talk, to gesture her arms as she spoke, to be normal like she was a week ago. Amy never doubted Maria's strength - she knew her daughter was strong. She knew that Maria had a core of steel inside her, an inner strength that enabled her to survive and protect those she loved the most. It was well hidden behind an exuberant and bubbly outside, but those close to her knew it was there.

It was because of this Amy knew that everything was going to be alright. That whatever happened, however Maria had been changed by this pain in her life she would eventually be fine.


He stood outside, standing vigil and watched. He watched her cry, sob heartbroken. He saw her throw things in spurts of fury - anger for all that had happened. He watched her stare into the night, silent tears slowly running down her face, and sometimes he wandered if she knew. Wandered if she knew of his protective sentry over her house, over her. He wandered if she knew that he didn't know how to be without her. He wandered if she knew how much he needed her. He wandered if she knew how much he hated himself for making her cry and how much it hurt not being able to hold her and tell her everything was going to be fine.

And some part of him knew that she knew. She knew because she stared directly at him where he stood in the shadows. She couldn't see him but no one knew him better than she did. Not Max. Not Isabel. Not Tess.

He couldn't be with her so he watched over her.

And she let him, because she couldn't be without him.

The End



