I don't feel capable, time nor talent-wise, of maintaining the [sphynx artist] job.

I really should've done this last year when I first began considering it, but at least nowadays I've numbed up and decided that it's the right time and that it'll be best that I just leave. I never found a place to call "home" in this little niche of the net, and it's time that I give up on trying and wander elsewhere.

I'll try as much as I can to finish my current request duties and official donations, but otherwise I'm through. If you even think you owe me anything, forget it. Dead serious. I'm not good enough to deserve anything from any of you. ;/

I'll still be on dA and LJ under my current names, but I no longer consider myself a part of the request community any longer. (Rather, I shouldn't have in the beginning.)

*shrug* It's been good while it lasted, I guess.
