Do not be alarmed I have not lost my mind this site is sopose to be ugly  annoying and and generally everything anyone who has a brain would not want their site to be!
Yup, you read it right, I'm intentionally messing this site up to show you what not to do with your site so that maybe those of you guilty of doing these things will please stop before I puke in your face from your web site making me so sick!
I'm teachin your ass by example sience they didn't seem to teach you nothing up in that design school some of ypou lame asses swar you went to tolearn to be web designers!
And I'm a teach you the hard way if I have to but you will atleast understand this page is horrable and maybe stop and think about why it sucks so hard!
Wow this site isn't even done and look at all the people who have been here allready