Check out some GRRREAT tunes!
(Some faves and influences too)
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The Ladybird Sideshow is a group collaberation of whizbanging solo artists Janine Stoll, Melissa McClelland, Lisa Winn and Erin Smith (of the Erin Smith Band).
Alun Piggins, latest cd
Awaken The Snakes is out.
Danny Michel, if you haven't checked him out yet you damn well should. Geez, where ya been?
Adam Smale, Canadian modern jazz guitarist virtuoso, seriously the most profound guitarist I've ever heard. And I even worked with him for a while!
Sarah I even need to say anything? I'm a huge fan, I play a lot of covers, she's beautiful.
Hey Adam and Ladybirds, you should be proud you're ahead of her. 8)
A brilliant Aussie friend Francis, check out his very unique, eclectic music. The "rough song" is about me!
Always a man of mystery, even his picture is vague...