Memory Pages

Memories of my life that will have
TRIGGERING information within the stories.

So If your not in a safe place please back out now!




I really don't know where I should begin. But I want to write my story. I want to let people know the pain that a survivor of childhood molestation goes through. Throughout there entire life.

The pain consumes your mind constantly. Sometimes it hard to separate from reality. Due to my Molestation I developed Multiple Personalities. I have all but one under control. There is one in me that is determined to kill me. During the year of 1995 this art of me tried on three separate occasions. Each time ending upon a respirator. Each time not remembering what had happened till somebody told me. The first time while in the hospital I kept a journal on a daily basis. I didn't know this till January of 1996. The first time I was Hospitalized was May 1, 1995. What I read from my journal it shocked me. I don't remember the first week in the Hospital at all. My girls told me that they came up everyday and fed me. I know when I started to remember I couldn't make it to the bathroom, I would wet on myself an the floor an I would have to clan it up. I vaguely remember the nurses would come around an say it's lunch time I didn't have the strength to get up an go to eat, and they wouldn't bring it to me. So if it hadn't been for my girls I wouldn't have eaten at all.

Most of all I can't address my problems face to face with my parents or my brother. They don't care an don't want to help me. I don't even think they believe what I have told them about my brother Molesting me as a little girl.

Every time I tried to talk to them about it, my mother would say she can't talk about it because of her heart condition. What about my state of mind an the Love they are suppose give me as there daughter. I haven't talked to them since June, 1995. I have been blaming everyone for my problems. But in the same breath they were blaming me for all of my mothers health problems. I called them to let them know that if this is how they fell I have nothing else to say to them. And as far as I was concerned they weren't my parents anymore. They just lost a daughter, one they probably never really loved or understood my whole life. Iknow for so many years I tried to please them or either I was begging for there Love. But I was never good enough.

Then I complicated things by getting involved with a black man. From there I never dealt with a white man again. I feel it's because most of the white men I ever got involved with raped me. My father, my brother, my cousins husband tried to rape me while she was at work. My girlfriends husband raped me at gun point, while she was know, a boyfriend raped me, the first time was rape, by a guy I was dating. After I graduated High School the guys from my school started asking me out. They never knew I was alive when I was in school. Well guess what they just wanted sex too. I know on night I had to think real quick. We were in Indianapolis and he wanted to do it. I told him to wait till the next night and we would get a motel room. When we got into my driveway I told the creep to go to hell an never call me again. And if he wanted some to get it from the girl he had gone with in High school. He says she won't give it up, like I would! When I was in school I was known for being miss goody to shoes. I carried a Bible everywhere I went. If the church doors were open I was there.

I know my father did something to me as a little girl, I have had flash backs but I'm unable to see the face. The part of me that blacks the real me out. I believe she knows the rest of this horrifying story of my life. But I'm still mentally unable to deal with the reality of what had happened then. The nightmares still rules my life during the daytime and even in my dreams. Every night I hate to go to sleep because of the nightmares. I never get any rest from the pain an agony that has been thrust upon me by my parents who were suppose to loved, protect me as a child, but they didn't. They failed to do there job as my parents. Something I won't ever forget but God will make them atone for there sins on the day of Judgement. For now that's the only thing I have to hold on to.


I have written this book of Poetry to realize all the pain I have felt all my life.

I have always wished even as a little girl that I would die, even to this day. I dream of different ways to do away with myself.

Or become cripple so my parents would have to take care of me, or at least show me some Love. What a joke!

For a child to never think her parents never really truly loved her. Is a ver devastating thing for a child emotionally an mentally to live with her entire life.

Here I am at the age of forty-seven a outcast with no parents to love me still. I've tried for so many years, I finally gave up on June 10,1995.

But my girls can never say that I didn't show them enough Love.

They hate my parents because of the way they have treated me an them. I can count how many times they ever say my girls an it is four times out of 22 years.

I have grown up not knowing really what I had done wrong to be treated with so much neglect.

I can't talk to them about the molestation, because they just won't talk about it. I think they don't believe that my dad or there precious little boy could have done such a thing to me. I have been raped five times in my life time an not counting my molestation's. One attempt of rape was by my cousins husband.

Every night I have the same nightmare. I am in this house I can't remember an I'm trying to hide in a closet so whoever is after me can't hurt me no more. I try in my wakefulness to remember if something happen tome that I might recall, that would help me make sense of the nightmare. But nothing comes to my memory`

I have been diagnosed with multiple personalities. It's scary to think of yourself as several people an not just one. Each one has a different parts they play in my life for me to carry on each day. There are some that I don't know what they do. One keeps on trying to kill me, then my girls say there are times when I'm in my bedroom an I'll be talking an it will sound like there are other people in my room but they know I'm the only one their.

I just wish I could forget all of it an just live a normal life, whatever that might be.


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