My Mind

My Dramatic Admonission

Personal Info.

My Writings



I ate yo momma.

Hello. This is pretty much gonna be my little realm in which to experiment with what I've learned via my Web Page Design class. Fun, eh? Well then, here we go.


9/19/05: Wrote some more poetry when I should have been writing a paper. Yay for me. It's called "Us" and it's in the "My Writings" section. It kinda skips all over the place and makes no sense. Eh, whatever. It's my mind.

9/12/05: I'm on a roll today! Holy shit... Added two new poems to the "My Writings" section, "Eulogy" and "Hope." Check 'em out now, while supplies last.

9/12/05: Added a new short story called "Anonymity" to the Erotica section. Check it out by clicking the "My Writings" link.

Should you feel the need to communicate with me for some reason, an urge I would greatly prefer to see supressed, you may, in the case of extreme DIRE necessity, e-mail me at Thanks, I suppose.

Hey, added a nifty journal page. Check it out here.

Would you like to see a table? I think you'd like to see a table. Hell, I don't care. You're gonna get a table wether you want one or not.



Burn in the morbid teenager ANGST of doom.

I will take over your home and eat all of your children, one by one by one by one, etc.

Bond. Penguin Bond. Dun dun dun-duuuun, dundun dun. Dun dundunduuuun dun-dundun.

I wanted to put a bullet in the forehead of every panda that wouldn't screw to save it's species.

This is the end. I'm sorry. This just isn't working out. Good-bye.

And remember, you are not your job. You are not how much you have in the bank. You are not the contents of your wallet. You are not your Khakis. You are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. ^.^