My Terms & Conditions state "Only POSB/DBS Fund Transfer" & "minimum 1 rating to bid".

Before bidding, izzaismail had posted several questions at my Q&A. At that time, she was unrated.

This person asked me if I accept concealed cash. My answer is that I don’t & that she can obtain my particulars & account #

and transfer the $ direct into my account. However, this person said that she doesn’t have the time to queue up in the bank & that

she is willing to take the risks for sending out concealed cash. Moreover, she would be bidding on 4 lipbalms.

Thinking that she sounded sincere, I proceeded to:

  1. agree that I would accept concealed cash
  2. change my minimum rating from 1 to 0 for the 4 lipbalms that she wanted to bid.


In the end, izzaismail bidded & won the auctions for 2 items:

BRAND NEW Avon Movie Treats - Popcorn Lip BalmOct 29 17:43

BRAND NEW Avon Hot Tropics Pineapple Lip Balm - Oct 29 17:44

Since she had said that she would be bidding for 4 lipbalms, I waited for 2 days for her to bid for the other 2.

However, there were no other bids from her in the coming 2 days, so I emailed izzaismail:

Another 2 days passed before izzaismail’s email arrived:


I proceeded to email her my particulars and since she was sending concealed cash, I even extended the

payment day to 7 days (instead of my usual 3 days) to Wed 10 Nov 04.

Been checking my mailbox EVERDAY for the arrival of her concealed cash but still no sight of it.

Emailed izzaismail again on Wed 10 Nov – the 1st deadline that I had given.

Wed 17 Nov – the 2nd deadline has come & gone…my postman has come & gone for the day.

Again, still no sight of it of the concealed cash. Up to now, have yet to receive a single email from izzaismail.

The last email received was dated 2 Nov 04 – 15 days ago.

Yet, this izzaismail is able to make payment & leave ratings for other sellers. Below is a snapshot of

her ratings board:

I have been extending the deadline from 7 days to 14 days and yet still no sign of this izzaismail.

Left the following comments & a neutral rating:


Immediately, I received izzaismail’s email. And note: at this point, I have waited for 19 days to

get a mere $10.80 without an email from izzaismail!!


So, if you’re a seller, how would you react if you receive such an email? I have a few words to describe:

  1. furious
  2. exasperating
  3. amazed!
  4. Incredulous


But again, being the nice & stupid seller as I am, I emailed her on the same day with a few

New terms & conditions:

Email sent 3 days ago. Note: if you have a very pissed off seller who has been waiting for the past 23 days to make payment, what would you do? Of course, get back to her ASAP, right? Well, obviously, this is not so!

In my 2 years of being an Yahoo! Auctions seller, this definitely ranks as being the MOST EXASPERATING transaction!!