<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/zeldabirdy/shiek.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Korok-Great Sea
The Korok are a race of plant like creatures,they are very light and they are all alightly diffrent,like trees are diffrentto one another.They live in Forest Heaven,which is under protection of The Deku Tree.They all have the ability to fly where they like,although they can be blown off course easily it there is a strong gust of wind.They know all about the outside world and the rule/races around them,but it is thier duty in life to plant trees and make them grow,so the land will once again be as one.
This is the race of the Minish.These tiny creatures were once unown to all Hylians par the Royal Family.However,now they are known publicly because of the evil wizard Vatti.The Minish are a powerful and maigcal race,although they are extremely small.Its belived that only Children can see them.
Koholint Islander-Koholint
These people are native to the island of Koholint,they are very similar to Hylians in every wayand they help Link on his quest.
Rito-Great Sea
The Rito are a race of bird people.they have the ability to fly great distances.They are normally tall they are all vey proud.they each have the same style of nose,and are an integral part of the running on the Great Sea as they are the 'postmen' of the Great Sea.However,they liveunder the rule of Valoo,who is the God,he speaksAncient Hylian,which few speak.They are very powerful and highly intelligent,they also have a tool for thier young,as thier wings have not developed sufficiently enough to fly,which is called Grapple Hook.
The Sheikiah are a mysterious race,little is known about them,they can be fat otr thin,tall or short,hair colour also varies,as does skin tone.But one thing is known,they are an exceedingly strong race,that have no counterparts.They all live for an incredibly long time and are very strong...they all have a natural gift with stealth magic,so they are a very powerful force,they are often nannies for the Royal children of Hyrule,because of thier natural gifts.
This race is very secritive,they live in compleate isolation to the rest of the world around them,however they know all about the other races.The land that they live in is extremely hot,there is streams of lava and pits of magma where the Subrosians relax.They have thier chosen isolation as they are drastically diffrent from the other races,however,they are known about,but they are considered monsters or myths.
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