All About Me

click your heels three times

All About Me

I am Kallim of Auckland, New Zealand. a 15 year old boy.
Many, many, many, many, M A N Y interests, including outdoorsy shiit like MTB, rockclimbing, sailing, swimming, kayaking, walking, sprinting, tramping, hiking, abseiling, snowboarding, flying, archery, fishing, hunting, diving, ice hockey, rollerblading, frizbee, playing w/ my dog, indoorsy shit like reading, writing, listening to L O U D music, shooting shit, eating food, eating biltong *yaya*, electronic circuitry, breaking old things dat don't work, building buildings, making models of stuff, finding more, bigger and louder speakers/amps. yeahh.. lots of shit, it would be easier to list all the shit i don't like. But i aint gonna do that either. So youll ahve to settle for what i've given you. Look like... look like... look like... yeah i'm dark ashi(ish) blond, fairly damned tall, solid ripling muscle :P, nah big but not fat and heavy so i assume it's muscle, plus i can kick a whole lot of ass real easy, i have green eyes, that vary wildly from dull gray-green, to translucent jade, to rich emerald. yeah, quite cool really. hands are battle scarred, Bob's doing really.