Question from Evan Davis:
Q: In FFVII, after Cloud and Aeris escape from the Turks in the church, you encounter a sick man that can't talk in a pipe type thing in the sector 5 slums.  Aeris finds a number on him.  What is that number?
A: Ah, this question seems like deja vu.  I wonder why?  Oh that's right!!  It's because I've answered it already.  You and Dane Reves have a lot in common. Anyway the answer is 2.
Question from Caroltrue:
Q: We are told in the manuel that Vincent Valentine is 27 years old correct?, and blames himself for not protecting Lucrecia when she was pregnant with Sephiroth from Hojo's Jenova experiments.  However, I assume Sephiroth is around that age as well, as we are told Cloud looked up to Sephiroth before trying to join SOLDIER.  Cloud himself is 21, so how the hell can Vincent only be 27?
A: Alright.  I feel that there is a very simple explanation for this question, even though the answer is never really said in the game.  It is said that Vincent never ages because of Hojo's experiments.  It seems to me that Vincent was probably 27 when the experiments were performed on him.  He was put into that coffin for many years but never aged.  Now when Cloud finds him, he looks the same as he did when Hojo shot him.  So I think the answer to your question is that since Vincent never ages so he will always stay the age 27.
More Questions from Aeris:
Q1: What items do you have to get in order for Aeris to be picked to be picked by the Don?
A1:  Ok here it is.  You need the Silk Dress, Blonde Wig, Lingerie, and the Sexy Cologne. You may also get other extras as long as you don't have all of the best items so Cloud won't be picked. (For example the ruby tiara could be one)
Q2: After Cloud has been exposed to a large amount of Mako, what town does he wash ashore in?
A2:  HeHeHeHe.  Don't even make me laugh. I don't even know why I'm wasting my time on this question.  The answer is Mideel.
Q3: List every item Cloud can get to alter his appearance?
A3: LOL.  This was one of the more 'interesting' parts in the game.  Answers: Silk Dress, Blonde Wig, Diamond Tiara, Sexy Cologne, and the Bikini Briefs (or Lingerie).  Ok, those are the ones if you want to date Don Corneo.  You also can get a ruby tiara, glass tiara, cotton dress, satin dress, cologne, flower cologne, wig, dyed wig, oh and you can also get make-up put on by one of the girls in the Honey Bee Inn!!!
Q4:What is the weapon you can get for Cid in the Speed Square?
A4:  Cid's weapon is.......Houtengageki  which can be obtained if you recieve 5,000 points or higher in the Speed Square. (That's a lot of points! hehe)
Questions from Sephiroth's Apprentice:
Q1: What noise do those spirits make at the Temple of Ancients?
A1: This was a very strange question.  I played the whole Temple of Ancients scene all over again.  The spirits don't seem to make a specific noise.  Aeris is constantly talking to them.  Well it sounds kind of like a short TINK noise.  I'm not sure how else to describe it.  Oh well there's the answer.
Q2: What was withered away on Mt. Nibel because of Mako?
A2: Yuck!!! I searched all over Mt. Nibel for this answer.  This is what I came up with:  In one of the houses in Nibelhiem, a woman says that Mako is killing all the plants and animals.     Basically life has withered away.
Q3: How much does a Carob Nut cost?
A3: Ok first of all you can't buy a Carob Nut from anyone.  You can only steal them from a monster, Vladorakos or you can use 500 GP in the Wonder Square the Gold Saucer to obtain one!!!!
Q4: When you talk to the Kalm Traveler before the Weapons raid, what does he say?
A4: HA! I went and talked to the Kalm Traveler and this is what he said to me:  "The World's at peace...all's well. I got my health, and enough to eat...all's well."
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