Three Days Ago


Lavantis:  Cloud, you in here?!


Lavie peers into the Final Fantasy VII lounge, spotting Cloud on the couch, and hurrying over toward him.


Lavantis:  I've been looking for you …  did Sephiroth give you my message?


Cloud:  Haven't seen him… or anyone.


Lavantis:  Well, like Sephiroth was supposed to tell you, we're giving WutaiCat a surprise party.


Cloud:  Wasn't her birthday the fifth?


Lavantis:  Yeah, but the party's today.


Cloud:  Why?  It's not her birthday anymore.


Lavantis:  Humph.  It's just what we're doing.  Anyway, I have a job for you.


Cloud:  I have a job.


Lavantis:  I know, I mean a job for the party.


Cloud:  I don't think I'm invited.  I didn't get an invitation.


Lavantis:  Oh shut up and come with me.


Sephiroth materializes in her way.


Sephiroth:  *crossing his arms* You're not going anywhere.


Lavantis:  I don't have time for this… you couldn't even pass on a message so NOW Cloud and I have less time to do our work.


Sephiroth:  You mean Zero time.


Lavantis:  Zero time?


Sephiroth:  The Cat's coming.


Lavantis:  I thought Tifa and Selphie were distracting her!


Sephiroth:  Right.  They were.  Now, they're not.


The door slammed, making Lavantis jump and Sephiroth spin around on his heals to face the incoming people.


Reno:  That bastard.


Cid:  Damnit, this is a disaster.


Lavantis:  What's going on?  Where are the decorations… and Zell and Squall?


Cid:  Ask Reno.


Reno:  What?  Like those little chisel monkeys didn't have it coming…


Lavantis:  Don't tell me you did something to Zell and Squall!


Reno:  I did nothing they didn't ask for.


Lavantis:  Ughhhh… ya know, this is supposed to be a party! WutaiCat will be her any minute!!


Cid:  Uh, yeah, and it will have to go on without decorations.


Lavantis:  Oh no, you two go apologize to Zell and Squall and come back with the box.


Sephiroth:  *snickering*  Reno toasted the decorations… and Zell's eyebrows.


Lavantis:  You didn't?!


Reno:  He stepped on my heel… that bastard.


Lavantis:  Oh my god…  at least tell me where ZellTM is.


ZellTM:  *cruising into the room*  Yo, I'm right here.


Cid:  You take care of the problem?


ZellTM:  Zell locked down the Final Fantasy VIII lounge… they're not coming.  They don't think they're welcome here so they want a separate party.


Cloud:  Two parties… three days late…


Lavantis:  ZellTM could you please just talk to them and get them over here…


Reno:  I'll beat the crap out of any 8 that walks through that door.


ZellTM:  It doesn't matter anyway.  Cat's coming… 


Reno:  Good *reaches in his pocket, takes out a colorful party hat, and places it on his head*  I'm ready.


Lavantis:  This is pathetic…


Cid:  It's all we saved from the box…


Reno:  That's what you thought… *pulls out a small plastic object*  A kazoo!!


WutaiCat:  Hey, what cha doing?  Nice hat Reno.


WutaiCat walks into the room, followed meekly by Aeris, Tifa, and Yuffie.


Sephiroth:  The Cat's here.


Lavantis:…… ah… yeah…


WutaiCat:  Did you see the mess in the Fanfiction Section, Lavie?


Reno:  SURPRISE!!!  *blows in kazoo*


WutaiCat:  Reno *raises her eyebrow*  what are you doing?




Cloud:  Happy Birthday… even though nobody invited me to this party.


WutaiCat:  Party?




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