A Little Too Helpful!!


At last, the Final Fantasy 7 lounge is done!!  (Thanks to a ton of time and effort from Lavantis)  Now, with the walls still wet with blue paint, Cloud’s choice, and the furniture finally positioned to their liking, it’s time to relax…  but can anyone really have a break when they run a site??


Tifa:  *looking around the room with pride*  This place has really come together!!


Cid:  If I ever have to do that kind of work again… *collapses into the comfy couch*  From now on, if anyone asks, I'm on vacation.  Right, Lavie?


Lavantis:  Huh??  Sorry I wasn't listening, Cid.


Cid:  Oh so I'm not worth listening to, is that what you're saying?  I KNOW things, I'm very, very knowledgeable, damnit! 


Reno:  *trying to contain his laughter* Knowledgeable!?  Knowledgeable about what?  Motor oil?


Tifa:  At least SOME people know up from down.  *squinting her eyes at Reno*


Reno:  Can't you see two men are talking?


Tifa:  *fuming* Arghhh! Chauvinist pig! *stamps off with clenched fists* 


Lavantis:  Please, guys, can't you be quiet, just for a little while?


Sephiroth:  *materializing next to Lavie, who is working diligently at the desk*  What is this?


Lavantis:  Hey!! I'm working on that!!


Sephiroth swipes the papers from the desk and begins reading them, throwing each page that he finishes on the ground, after crumpling it to a ball.


Lavantis:  Stop, that's my story!  *stoops down and begins to collect the ruffled papers*


Sephiroth:  I am not in this.  It is not good.


Cloud:  Am I in it?


Sephiroth:  Yes, that is why it is stupid.  But maybe, you'll die at the end.


Cloud:  *clasping his throat*  Is that what happens, Lavie?


Lavantis:  Ughhh, I don't know, Cloud!! Just help me get the papers, ok?


Cloud:  *shrugs and hands Lavantis a stack of meshed together papers from off the floor*  Here.  Now about my dying…


Yuffie:  *waving a paper above her head*  Lookie here!!  This is about ME!! 


Sephiroth:  *with a mischievous grin* Did you read it?


Yuffie:  *hesitating slightly*  Noo, why?  I'm in it, aren't I?


Sephiroth:  You are the "comic relief"… the clueless idiot, if you will… 


Yuffie:  You're lying!  I don't believe you anyways……comic relief…  You're just jealous 'cause you're not in it!!


Lavantis:  *on the brink of desperation*  Come on guys!  I mean, if I don't finish this, no one's gonna be in the story.  I'll just write an FF8 one…


Cid:  Whoa, don't do anything you'll regret…


Tifa:  Yeah,  it's really just getting interesting!!


Sephiroth:  Scrap it.  Then you will be free to write me an epic of my conquests, entitled "Everyone's God".


Lavantis:  *raising an eyebrow at Sephiroth*  Riiiiiiiiiiight.  I'll consider that…


Barret:  Fine with me.  Just as long as you put in da part 'bout me beatin' in Sephiroth's face!


Reno:  No one cares about that.  I mean, that's ancient history.  What sells books is me.  I'm hot and girls love me.


Lavantis:  *dumping the pile of pages back on the desk and getting ready to write again*  I don't sell my stories.  They're free.


Rude:  *gaping*  You're a nonprofit writer?!


Aeris:  *appears out of a shining green light*  I think it great that Lavie does it for free.  Some people don't have a lot of money…


Sephiroth:  Who?  Peasants, not fit to kiss my feet, and stupid imbeciles?


Aeris:  There are lots of good people who just don't have a lot of material things.  After all, possessions aren't everything.


Sephiroth:  *Muttering under his breath*    Only a dead girl would say something as ludicrous as that…


Cid:  *ignoring Sephiroth completely*  So where do you get money from then? 


Yuffie:  There are other ways to get money…


Everyone looked at Yuffie through slit eyes, while checking their pocket for their cash.


Yuffie:  What?


Barret:  Yo, you jus' keep your grubby hands away from my wallet.


Reno:  Wait, so you work for…… fun?


Lavantis:  *shrugs* Pretty much.


Reno:  Ughhh… work for fun… that's wrong.


Rude:  *smacks Reno across the back of his head*  You should take lessons from Lavantis.


Lavantis:  Thanks Rude, but right now I need to write.


Aeris:  When are you going to resurrect me?  The next chapter?


Lavantis:  Well, errrr….


Nanaki:  *just waking from his "cat" nap* That is highly improbable.  I would like to see your theory on that, Lavantis. 


Lavantis:  Well, Red, I WOULD, but….


Sephiroth:  How do I return? 


Cloud:  She wouldn't bring you back!  I mean, we killed you for a reason.


Lavantis:  Stop!!!  I can't take it anymore!!


In a huff, Lavie quickly gathered her papers together and sped out of the room.


Cid:  I hope she doesn't write anything else today…..


Yuffie:  Why?


Cid:  'Cause I just got this feeling that she wants to kill us all…





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