Link, because I can Wasteland Knights
Short story by Igniz Revoler.

Another Link, because I'm still the only one that can "Red"
Another Short Story by Igniz Revolver
No you wont get to see any stories from Zelphi


Replace Rogue Weapon text: Standard Text: Rogue weapons are any Light blade, Light Thrown Weapon, Sling or Cross Bow. Other feats allow you to use other weapons as if they were Light Blades.

Replace the requirement text for Rogue powers with Rogue Weapons or Melee/Ranged Rogue weapons as appropriate.

Cunning Trickster text: Rogue weapons include any non-versatile 1 handead melee or ranged weapon. You are proficient with all Simple non-versatile 1 handed melee or ranged weapons.

Replace Sneak Attack with new At-Will Power

Sneaked Shot

At-Will, Martial, Weapon

immediate reaction Melee or Ranged Weapon

Trigger: You hit an enemy with an attack

Requirement: You must be wielding a Rogue Weapon

Target: One enemy you have not hit this round

Attack: Dex vs AC

Hit: 1[w] damage

Increase damage to 2[w] damage at 21st level

Take new Cunning Trickster Style

Cunning Trickster

Add your Intelligence modifier to the damage of any Rogue Burst or Blast attack powers and the attack roles of any Immediate Rogue Powers or Opportunity Attacks.

New At-will power

Spread shot

At-Will, Martial, weapon

Standard Action, Close Burst 3

Requiremen: You must be using a Rogue Weapon

Target: Three Creatures in burst, one attack per target

Attack: Dex vs AC

Hit: 1[w] Damage

Increase damage to 2[w] damage at 21st level


At-Will, Martial, Weapon, Rattling

Standard Action, Melee Weapon

Requirement: You must be using a Rogue Weapon

Attack: Dex vs AC

Hit: 1[w]+dex damage.

If the target was slowed before this attack, the target is now imobolised until the slowed condition is due to end.

If the target was imobolsed before this attack, the target is now restrained until the imobolised condition is due to end.

Otherwise, the target is slowed until the start of your next turn

increse damage to 2[w]+dex damage at 21st level

Updated 02 06 08