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Zen Appeal Feng Shui Your Bedroom http://www.bocafengshui.com/fengshuibedroomarticle.html
30 mm Swarovski Hanging Crystal Feng Shui Bedroom
Feng Shui Your Bedroom
by Leslie Jacobson, MA, MS in Ed., Certified Feng Shui Consultant
Feng Shui Consultants of Boca Raton
What to Avoid in the Feng Shui Bedroom

x Death Position (your body in direct line with bedroom door so you could be dragged by your feet out the door.) Big Feng Shui Bedroom Don't!

x Bed right up against a toilet on other side of wall or toilet directly above or below bed on another floor of the house or in another apartment (bad for your health.) Another Big Feng Shui Bedroom Don't!

x Your body in direct line with the bathroom door. Again, a Big Feng Shui Bedroom Don't! If there is a bathroom door, close it when you are sleeping to protect you from negative energy. If there is no door, hang a 30 mm Hanging Crystal, or use a Negative Energy Blocker on the floor to block the negative energy from the bathroom.

x Head of your bed under or up against a window. This position is preferable to the previous positions, but it can make you feel insecure or unsafe. To offset the security issues, use a bed with a solid headboard.

x Storing items under your bed. Another Huge Feng Shui Bedroom Don't! Energy needs to flow around you while you sleep and if you store anything under your bed the energy is obstructed and your sleep is disturbed and your energy will be depleted. Additionally, anything you store under your bed can affect your sleep. If you keep negatively associated items like divorce paperwork or bankruptcy papers under your bed you might be having nightmares about your troubles. Take all these things out from under your bed. Even better, get them out of your bedroom. Do not sleep with your troubles.

x Storing items over your bed. Yet Another Large Feng Shui Bedroom Don't! Things physically hanging over your head symbolically represent life problems 'hanging over your head.' You may also have difficulty sleeping because you have a fear, that you may be unaware of, that something might fall on your head. Children are most susceptible to that. This is why it is important not to have shelves, book cases, toys, heavy items that might fall on you, or anything protruding from the wall over your bed while you are sleeping.

x Having a bedroom that does not look like a bedroom. Bedrooms should be goal oriented - sleep and maybe romance. Offices in the bedroom make sleep and romance very unlikely to occur. This is one of the reasons why computers do not belong in the bedroom. If you are having trouble sleeping because you have bills on your mind, make sure you do not store your bills or pay your bills in your bedroom. Same for schoolwork. And children's bedrooms that look like toy stores have too much Yang energy (awake) and are too much fun to sleep in. Televisions are only a problem for people who have problems sleeping.

x Stagnant energy (stale energy that does not move, a form of negative energy) in the bedroom. It is easy to forget to clear the energy in the bedroom. You can clear energy by burning candles or incense, ringing bells or gongs, spraying aromatherapy sprays, using natural crystals, or many other methods. If you are not sure of how to space clear using the other tools, there is nothing simpler or quicker than aromatherapy sprays.
30 mm Swarovski Hanging Crystal
30 mm Round Swarovski Crystal. This faceted round Swarovski crystal is hanging from a traditional
red cord. Hangs 9 inches.
Comes in FREE Black velour drawstring bag.
Negative Energy Blocker Feng Shui Bedroom
Negative Energy Blocker
Exclusive to this store! Unique device used to block negative energy and increase positive energy in any room in your home or office. Includes 2 Large reproduction Chinese coins (2 inches each, with Dragon and Phoenix symbols on the backs) on red ribbon, and detailed instructions and suggestions for use.
Negative energy could be entering your home or bedroom from many sources, you need to be protected!    Exclusive to Zen Appeal!
Dream Big Dream Catcher
Dream Big Dream Catcher
Dream Catchers are an Ancient Chippewa tradition. When a Dream Catcher is
hung over a bed, it will catch your bad dreams in the webbing and let the good dreams pass through the holes in the web. The feathers hanging from the Dream Catcher direct good dreams to the dreamer and increase positive energy. This will ensure pleasant sleep and good dreams for those who sleep under the Dream Catcher. One large central Dream Catcher web and four smaller Dream Catcher webs. Rainbow threads red orange and blue, with beads and real feathers. Overall length is approximately 27 inches, width is approximately 14 inches.
Painted Royal Elephant Feng Shui Bedroom Children Elephant
Copyright 2001-2009 Mark Jacobson and Leslie Jacobson
All Rights Reserved
Painted Royal Elephant
Intricately decorated, exquisite copper colored painted elephant. Elephants have long been held a symbol of royalty, fertility, and longevity. The elephant has a most auspicious symbolism, embodying strength, wisdom, power and success. The Painted Royal Elephant's trunk is up for extra good fortune. This lovely and symbolic figurine is perfect to place by your front door to protect you and encourage positive energy to come your way. Attractive display item with foot pads to protect delicate furniture. Also
great for your desk or in your bedroom. The perfect elephant to place by a child's bed to help them feel safe in their own room. Rub your elephant to bring more children into your family. Small enough to fit anywhere or carry with you in a bag or purse. Approximately 3 inches long and 2 1/4 inches high.