The ZenGnostic Bible

Most "holy" books contain so many contradictions and so much nonsense that their value is valueless. What use is a God who tells you to love your neighbor as yourself but "Slaughter every man, woman, child and baby, let none survive"? What use is a Christ who preaches compassion while condoning slavery and who is loathe to cure a sick child because she isn't a Jew? What use is a prophet who advises his followers to love people of other religions but torture them, burn them, cut off their hands and murder them? The reason the world has been at war since time immemorial is largely because "divinely inspired" books offer us a choice between good or evil and world leaders and other religious extremists choose evil.

And yet it has to be said that most of these so-called "holy" books do contain some useful elements. ZenGnostics have taken the best and most worthwhile passages from these "holy" books, added some favorite quotes and ended with a dynamic essay. There is enough wisdom in the ZenGnostic Bible to guarantee world peace and to ensure that each individual leads a happy and harmonious life.

We encourage everyone to discard their Torahs, their Bibles and Qur'ans and to adopt the ZenGnostic Bible instead. Either that, or die in the imminent nuclear war that apparently God is preparing for you.

After the 'FREE!' essay you will find links to our web site. If you are in the least bit interested in world peace and the survival of life on planet Earth you will take one hour out of your life to read what is written, especially that by the Nobel Prize winner and other experts in their fields. I feel that my stuff is worth reading too but of course I may be biased.


The ZenGnostic Bible