Human Death

By: Shyan Chapman 10-10-2003


As my opinion, I do not believe "Vampires" to be real in this day and age.

I believe that modern "Vampires" are people who have mental disorders and chemical imbalances.

It is believed that once someone dies they can, in-fact, become a Vampire depending on how they lived when they were alive. Once dead I do not see how one can become a "Vampire" because once dead Rigor Mortis and

Decomposition starts. Vampires are portrayed as young handsome men etc....

With Rigor Mortis and Decomposition they would not look very seducing.

The signs of Decomposition and Rigor Mortis are as follows...............

"*Greenish coloration over the ileac fossa (depression at lowest part of small intestine).

*Extension of greenish color over the whole abdomen, and other parts of the body.

*Discoloration and swelling of the face.

*Swelling and discoloration of the scrotum, or of the vulva.

*Distention of the abdomen with gases.

*Brownish coloration of the surface veins, giving an arborescent pattern on the skin.

*Development of blisters, of varying sizes, on the surface.

*Bursting of blisters, and denudation of large irregular surfaces due to the shedding of the epidermis.

*Escape of blood-stained fluid from the mouth and nostrils.

*Liquefaction of the eyeballs.

*Increasing discoloration of the body generally, and greater and progressive abdominal distention.

*Presence of maggots.

*Shedding of the nails and loosening of the hair.

*Facial features unrecognizable.

*Conversion of tissues into a semi-liquid mass.

*Bursting open of the abdominal and thoracic cavities.

*Progressive dissolution of the body.

Decomposition is aided by the presence of air, moisture, microorganisms, moderate temperature, and by the presence of insects. The body, however, can be preserved in a number of ways, like buried in Lime for example, or frozen."

I don't know about you, but to me that doesn't sound too attractive, or at all possible.