By: Shyan Chapman 08/19/04


Lycanthrope is a mental disorder in which the sufferer believes that they are a wolf or some other beast.


Lycanthrope has been linked by modern medical doctors to many different types of disorders (some I personally don’t agree with but I will list them all anyway) such as…







Hallucinogenic plants and fungus-infected grains/foods have been the cause of many outbreaks of Lycanthrope over the centuries, like Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade) and a fungus called Ergot, which is similar to LSD and very hallucinogenic.


Some sources say some cases of Lycanthrope can be caused by Rabies. Rabies can be carried by dogs and wolves and if bitten your body will hurt and go through changes which can explain the transformation one thinks they are going through, thus believing they are turning into a werewolf, and it causes one to hallucinate and even attack and bite other people like that of a frightened wolf. Rabies causes increased salivation and abnormal behavior making one appear like an animal. The infected person also becomes Hydrophobic, which is a morbid fear of water. After getting Rabies a person would eventually get paralysis and die within 5 days if it is untreated.