My Pet Memorial Page:
If tears were a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to Heaven and bring you home again.
By:Shyan Burrell
Heaven's Newest Angel:
Sir Tonka Teeka Tai Burrell
June 25, 1995 - April 2, 2004
   It is with a saddened heart that I write this...On April 2,2004 my father's beloved best friend and pet passed away suddenly due to a tumor that laid dorment for approximately 3 months. By the time it was discovered, surgery was not even an option to save his life.

    For 8 and a half years our precious Tonka lived a life all other dogs would envy. Sir Tonka Teeka Tai Burrell was an extremely cute, pure bred, chocolate black Chow Chow.

    From the moment my parents brought him home from NorthWest Seed & Pet he instantly won over all our hearts.

    This adorable, bouncy fluff ball of a dog - who did no wrong instantly became attached to my father before anyone else.

    Even at the old age of 8 and a half, weighing 50-55 pounds, Tonka was still an extremely cute fluff ball who still did no wrong and he was still daddy's baby and my little brother.

    Tonka was a major part of our family. No matter what was going on in our own lives we could always look at him and smile. Be it from his cuteness, his spoiled attitude or just the simplicity and carefree nature of his life.
Heaven's Angels:
Their bodies be buried, their breath be gone, but your fondest memories linger on.
  ~Tammy Burrell 1995
Pappy - dog
Bear - dog
Scruffy - dog
Squeakers - cat
E-do & K-do - anoles
Monkey & Skittles - rats
Bunzerelli - rabbit
Peter Cotton Tail (Peter) - rabbit
Blue - rabbit
Dutch - rabbit
Crow - rabbit
Casper - rabbit
Spot - rabbit
Roger - rabbit
Trix (Funny Face) - rabbit
Bopsie Twins - Rabbits
Cadbury - rabbit
Bruno - rabbit
Baby - rabbit
Vlad - hampster
Winnie - guineapig
Countless Mice
Countless Birds
Countless Fish and Pond Life -Tad poles, Frogs, snails Etc...