Vampire Bats vs. 'Vampires'
By: Shyan Burrell 09-22-2002
*'Vampires' have been known to attack cattle; Vampire Bats also attack cattle.
*When a 'Vampire' opens its' black cape they look like a Bat when its' wings are spread.
*They both drink blood.
*They both come out at night and sleep during the day.
*They both are thought to be evil and mysterious creatures.
*They both sleep in dark places.
*They are both quick and swift.
*Once bitten by a 'Vampire,' the victim dies of a strange unknown illness within 24-hours. The Vampire Bat also has taken lives with a bite that also causes illness followed by death. It could be rabies, aids, an unknown virus or something else.
*They both can cause outbreaks.
*They both go wild when they see or smell blood.