By: Shyan Chapman 01-02-2002


No one is for sure what causes one to become a blood thirsty Vampire. Some think that it is a curse or disease.

       People thought that you would become a Vampire if you had an incomplete burial, if you were not Baptized, if you were excommunicated from the church, if you died suddenly through those who had died cursed, or even if a cat walked over a body while it was waiting to be buried.

       In Greece they believe that if someone commits suicide they will come back as a Vampire or if they have Blue eyes, they are considered a Vampire or to become a Vampire. Reason why is because in Greece, nearly all of them have dark hair and eyes, very rare to see Blue eyes.

       In European Folklore anyone born on Christmas Day would become a Vampire or if they had red hair. (Pretty much just anyone who was different from the normal). Babies born with cleft palates or cauls were born Vampires. Some people even believed Karma had to do with some people becoming a Vampire.


       There is a disease called Porphyia, its' sufferers have great sensitivity to daylight or any light for that matter. Even today, they are treated with blood extracts. In the past these people were feared and the sufferers of this disease thought they would become Vampires after they died.