( Week 8 )
Friday.. 20/2
IO Tour
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@Warcrafters.com?subject=Staff_msg
  First off Im just going to tell you that Inferno Online (it-cafe) in Stockholm is hosting two different tournaments between 20-22 February. One of these tours are called the amature-tour and the other one elite-tour.. Difference being that in the elite-tour we will have the Swedish elite playing.. Which makes sense if you think about it. Anyway, People we know will be there is Tessla.dp and haZe.dp .. followed by 4L-LaWn, 4K-FuRy and possibly [nDiv]XzideZ.

Good luck to everyone. Pictures will be taken and uploaded to the site later!

Friday.. 20/2
Latest Wow News
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@Warcrafters.com?subject=Staff_msg
  And now, a roundup of World of Warcraft related newsposts.
• Gamespot has a new preview of Wow alongside 8 new very nice screenshots. Check it out right HERE.

• The official forum have been updated with some new pictures/icons. Check em out right HERE.

• The Features page on the official page have also been updated with new information.. Not much but its always something. Lookie Lookie.

• Wowlands got themselves a little chat with writer of the "War of the Ancients" trilogy, Richard A. Knaak, and it turned out to a very nice piece of interview. For everyone who's even slightly interested in the World of Warcraft, they should 1) Read the interview and then 2) buy all the books. Run hippie run .. to the interview!

And remember that we still haven't seen the slightest hint of when the new Wow movie comes online nor when we will see the Troll/Gnomes screenshots. Plus we have one bigass Beta waiting for us.. Hopefully in the beginning of the next month.

( Week 7 )
Saturd.. 14/2
Even more WoW
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@Warcrafters.com?subject=Staff_msg
  Its Valentine's Day and as always Blizzard does something special for the community. Today they gave us 10 all new Valentine's Day related screenshots from the World of WarCraft mmorpg game.

Also, they release the second Wallpaper in the "Korean" Series of painted wow pictures from an Korean computer-magazine Have a look at it right HERE, Personally I don't like it at all because I don't really like the way its painted.. But on the other hand, its better then nothing at all.

And thanks to Katricia we've got much new information today due to her Q/A post she use to do in the B.net forum. And the information given to us means we have even more to look forward to in the coming weeks.
Will there be special events held in the game for holidays?
Yes! There will be special events held for both “real” holidays and special days created in World of Warcraft.

Can we get some new Gnome Screenshots?
We’ll have some new Gnome shots for you next week, along with a few new Trolls too.

~Kat :)
Read the whole thing right HERE.
Hopefully they have redesigned the Trolls from Goofy looking retards to sometime more related to the beloved Axethrowers(Forest Trolls) from Wc2. I mean.. The playable Trolls in WoW are Island Trolls, directly related to the Jungle Trolls of Stranglethorn, but still they look nothing alike.. Weird. But that will hopefully change in the end of the open beta. I have no problems with Gnomes.. They are tiny weird retards to start with so how they look makes no difference.

Friday 13/2
Lots of WoW
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@team-sweden.com?subject=Staff_msg
  Its been a very good week so far when it comes to World of Warcraft related news and updates. We haven't got this much new information about the upcoming MMORPG from Blizzard since E3 2003. Among other thing we can look forward to a new WoW movie coming very soon. Lets start with the news sum up.

- The latest we got is these 5 all new very awesome looking screenshots taken by the official Alphatesters Check em out right HERE.

- Worldofwar.net have finally release all parts of their wow-review from OneMadOgre's trip to Blizzard HQ. These last parts added is Spells and Rituals, Crafts, Places and People, Interfaces and the latest one: Gameplay.

- HomeLan Fed have had a chat with Blizzard's Shane Dabiri regarding World of Warcraft and the current status of the alpha and when the Beta starts, among other thins. Its a good read, check it out HERE.

- WoW.Warcraftstrategy.com have atlast got their Lore up and running. They don't have everything online right now but among other things they got some really nice information about the Forsaken, Cult of the Damned, World History and the many different versions of the Trolls. The best Lore so far I say when it comes to overall Warcraft information. Be sure to visit the page more then once everyday just to keep yourself updated on the world of Warcraft. Check the page right HERE.

- Blizzard have updated the official World of Warcraft FAQ with over 8 pages of answers to the most asked questions to this date. Read em right HERE.

- And finally, as I said before, according to Katricia from the Battle.net forums, we can expect a new wow-movie coming out at the end of this week, or possibly early next week.

Well theta's about it, the top stories this week related to our beloved World of Warcraft MMORPG game. One last thing though.. According to Vivendi Universal Games they expect to have WoW out on the market in September this year. And it actually makes a bit of sense. We just have to wait and see how Blizzard feels about that release-date

Tuesday 10/2
dp leaves GEFTL
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@team-sweden.com?subject=Staff_msg
  We have now decided to leave the league due to insufficient amount of working lineups due to the lack of 2v2 players among other things. Our official statement can be found below, Only in Swedish:
----- - --- - --- -- --- -- - - - --- -- - - --- - --- - -- -- - - - - - - - - -
Efter vi i darkpraetors snackat och diskuterat om ämnet har vi bestämt oss för att helt enkelt hoppa av TFT ligan här på GE pga följande orsaker:

- Vi har inte en komplett lineup (saknar mer eller mindre helt 2v2-lag som man överhuvudtaget kan kallas samspelat) Och detta resulterar för det mesta med 2 autolosses.
- Bland annat pga att en viktig del i våran förra lineup(2v2 lag tex) tidigare i vår lämnat dp, har det sänkt moralen och spelglädjen hos de kvarvarande spelarna. Och det blir inte precis bättre stämmning av att vi får extremt dåliga resultat i ligan som direkt påföljd av detta :)
- Bevisligen har vi just nu ingenting att göra i Div1.

Extremt tråktigt att det blivit såhär men vi måste försöka bygga upp en ny lineup innan vi kan spela i någon liknande liga igen. Att stanna kvar och spela som vi gör nu i ligan är ... inte precis bra PR när man söker nya spelare ^^.

Vi ska som sagt sätta ihop ett nytt lag och vi hoppas på att folk förstår varför vi lämnar ligan. Vi hoppas även att folk ser på situationen i sin helhet och inte stirrar sig blint på resultaten... Men med dagens community kommer det knappast hända :D
----- - --- - --- -- --- -- - - - --- -- - - --- - --- - -- -- - - - - - - - - -

But do not fear! We will be back as always and with a new lineup and with the help of upcoming stuff from our sponsor q-pad.se, we hope to find new players. So stay tuned.

( Week 6 )
Sunday 8/2
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@team-sweden.com?subject=Staff_msg
  The results of this match is pretty much the results we expected. Due to the fact that nDiv was the only clan in the League in the same area of skill as us, and we lost against them, we see no good outcome for us in this league. We will let you know our decisions later this coming week regarding our future in the league. The main problem for us right now is not that we lack the talent or skill, but the fighting spirit with comes from the fact that we have no working 2v2 teams and some inactive members.

So, as a direct result to the poor performers from our side so far in this league we will look over our current lineup and be looking for new members. We are looking for:
• A whole lot of 2v2 Teams. (lvl15+) All combinations of races.
• 1v1 Players (lvl 25+)

If you are interested please contact us via e-mail (
mailto:Fenix@team-sweden.com?subject=Staff_msg), IRC (channel #darkpraetors on quakenet) or B.net (channel clan dlp).

We will also be removing some of our inactive players from the clan within a few days from now.

To end of this newpost I just wanted to give you a hint of some very good news coming up hopefully during the coming week. So stay tuned.

Sunday 1/2
GE Frozen Throne League
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@team-sweden.com?subject=Staff_msg
  Time for match number two for us in Gamingeye's Frozen Throne League. And once again we have had some problems creating a good 2v2 lineup due to people being away and more or less inactive. We plated against the clan soTa today, which more or less consist of very skilled members from such clans as SK and Identity Gaming (aka planB and Headz)
- - - - - - --- -- --- - -- -- -- --- -- -- -
2v2: Nimo & Pelleh vs. Devilwind.dp & MaDDii.dp 0 - 0 <-- Postponed
2v2: Exile & Dewe vs. Tessla.dp & haZe.dp 2 - 0
1v1: Tiger vs. Tassadar.dp 2 - 0
1v1: SuRviVoR vs. DevilwinD.dp 2 - 0
1v1: Twisted vs. haZe.dp 2 - 1
- - - - - - --- -- --- - -- -- -- --- -- -- -
Current result: 3-0 (6-1) to soTa.
The postponed 2v2 match will be played on a later date.


( Week 5 )
Sunday 1/2
GE Frozen Throne League
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@team-sweden.com?subject=Staff_msg
  First gameday in the Gamingeye Frozen Throne League for us, and the first opponent for us is nDiv, Aka Darkswarm. This match is more or less funny for us because we have almost no working 2v2 lineup right now while nDiv have 3 ex-darkpraetors in it .. also known as more or less our old complete 2v2 lineup :D
Anyway, here is tonight's lineup:
1v1 A: Zer0.dp - [nDiv]ViXen - 0-2
1v1 B: haZe.dp - [nDiv]Figuren - 0-2
1v1 C: Devilwind.dp - [nDiv]XzideZ - 1-2
2v2 A: MaDDii.dp & DevilwinD.dp - [nDiv]Fguren & [nDiv]XzideZ - 1-2
2v2 B: HarB.dp & Superior.dp - [nDiv]mobilat & [nDiv]terwe - 2-0 (1 wo)
Overall score: dp 4-6 nDiv in maps so far.. Meaning they are in led with 3-1 and have won the clanwar. Our 2v2 teams worked much better then we planned and hoped so this war was not in vain. The last 1v1 will be played tomorrow. Gratz nDiv.
Update: Zer0 lost against ViXen in the last match in this cw. Makes no difference but still. Once again, congratulations nDiv. Final result: 4-1 to nDiv.

For more information, rules and maps being played press HERE. (Swedish & ..Partly some English).

In other news, I would like to welcome MaDDii.dp to the clan. He will be a great help when it comes to 2v2 games in the future and he will also be to count with when it comes to 1v1. His information page will be added later tonight. Till then you can check out his B.net account right over HERE

Wedne.. 28/1
WoW Related News
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@team-sweden.com?subject=Staff_msg
  We've got a whole bunch of wow related updates and pictures given to us these last couple of days and we really love Blizzard for that. Its not long now before the official beta finally starts over in the States, Korea and Canada, the signup for the beta starts in just a few hours. But before we get to that.. Here is a summary of the latest World of Warcraft news:

• 6 New World of Warcraft screenshots. You just got to love this game.. Except the fact that some of the skins looks very very bad right now. Check out the new pix right HERE.
Also, don't forget to check out the Troll picture.

• World of Warcraft Beta signup starts this week. Exact information from Blizzard's own GF is right here:
At 6:00 pm PST on Wednesday, January 28th, the signup period for the World of Warcraft Beta Test will officially begin. We will provide a link to the beta-test application right here in the news section at that time. Testers are not going to be chosen on a first-come, first-served basis, so you will be able to submit an application and receive equal consideration anytime during the signup period, which will
end on Wednesday, February 4th at 6:00 pm PST. Please note that multiple submissions from the same household will result in complete disqualification.

For this initial phase of the World of Warcraft beta test, we will only be able to accept applications from Canada, Korea, and the US. The test for Europe and other countries around the world will happen later this year. Please do not contact us for further information regarding the beta test; we will be posting a FAQ in the days ahead.

WorldofWar.net have done a visit over at Blizzard HQ and done a very bigass review of World of Warcraft. They have split up the whole thing into a whole bunch of parts and so far we can read 8 of them. Be sure to read everything about it right HERE.

Wedne.. 28/1
Q-PAD News
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@team-sweden.com?subject=Staff_msg
  We just wanted the general public to know exactly what our sponsor, Q-PAD is all about, therefor this newpost. Q-PAD gives us, the players, a Q-PAD Gamer XXXL mousepad, and below you can see some of the reviews done by Gamingsites and other sites.

http://www.swemodders.net/ 2004-01-22
"The mouse pad is perfect in use. I LOVE IT !"
Total Score: Product of the year 10/10

http://www.hardvara.net/ 2004-01-22
"... So if you got a opticalmouse and feel that you need a mousepad, do not hesitate a second. For me its obvious."
Total Score: 5/5

"... Works perfect with opticalmouse..."
Totalt Score: 8/10

"I have to say this pad rox!" , "I don't have anything to complain about", "You can get whatever print you want on it", "You don't get this great precision with ANY other cloth pad out there", "Therefore we give this 5 out of 5 and a recommendation for a superb pad!!"
Total Score: Red&Blackness gives it 5 out of 5 dots

"a veritable monster of a mousepad"
Total Score: 4,5/5

"People who say an optical mouse doesn't need a mouse pad have obviously not tried a Q-PAD mouse pad, the difference is stunning."

Check Q-PAD.se for more information and latest news.

Sunday 25/1
Welcome Zer0
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@team-sweden.com?subject=Staff_msg
  I would like to welcome Zer0.dp to the clan on the behalf of the rest of the clan. You can visit his B.net stats page by clicking over HERE. We are still looking for more players to add to our lineup, If anyone is interested you can visit us in channel clan dlp on B.net.
Here's the guidelines: Level 15+ Team players and Level 25+ Solo players.
Once again, welcome Zer0.dp

Don't forget the check this week's StarGirl. Check the Other box.

Friday 23/1
Clan news and designs
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@team-sweden.com?subject=Staff_msg
  First off is the reveling of the new version of the Q-PAD Gamer XXXLdesign. Its been in the IRC channel topic for a couple of days and now its time to add it right here to. Press HERE to see the first preview of the new design. I will make a few changes to it but I will post the final version of the mousepad here later when its done and ready to get print.

Other clan-related news.
• We are looking for a couple of new members to add to our lineup. We are looking for the following: Level 15+ Team players and Level 25+ Solo players. If you are interested come to our B.net channel: clan dlp or send a msg to sensei-sama on B.net. If none of these ways work just come visit us in channel #darkpraetors on Quakenet.org.
Age and Nationality doesn't matter as long as you can communicate in English and you work fine together in a group with other people.

• X-Fied.dp is moving and has therefor not been online these last few days. When the moving is done and the Internet set up and everything he will be back alive and kicking.

• Congratulation to Superior.dp and/or Tassadar.dp for winning a 32-ppl tourney over at GE.wc3. Check brackets right
HERE. Note that the finals is still not over because Tassadar needed to sleep.. But its either Sup or Tass that wins so gratz anyway!

Sunday 18/1
GE Clanleague.
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@team-sweden.com?subject=Staff_msg
  We signed up for Gamingeye.wc3's Clanleague last week or something and now we have been chosen to play in division 1 of the league. Lets have a look at the rest of the clans in our div.
Division 1
• Destination Skyline
• Team 64AMD
• plan-B
• e2sport
• Rewind
• soTa
• Darkswarm
• darkpraetors
...Uhm.. Okey!
Well this will be fun! Hopefully we'll find a couple of new people before this league and/or we find a solution to the current problem we more or less have. Anyway, it will be fun.
HERE to read the whole story over at GE.wc3. Only in Swedish.


Saturday 10/1
Some bad news
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@team-sweden.com?subject=Staff_msg
  Today (or actually Friday) we first off all lost zEx due to inactivity and his decision to quite playing wc3 all together. After that I got a msg about XzideZ leaving. After asking him why and telling the others in the clan we got the news that FrezZ and mobilat also would leave the clan and alongside XzideZ join clan Ds, aka DarkSwarm. Reason being that they think they will have a better chance getting into wc3l and because they have old teammates in the clan (atleast some of them).
There is nothing we can do about this now other then say GL with you plans and all that kinda stuff. This also means we have a rather great empty space when it comes to the team-lineup. We will be getting into that problem very soon.

We also decided to kick the not so well-known tulinenpeperoni from the clan. This is because he was mobilats only teammate and because he haven't made any type of effort when it comes to be active/social with the rest of the clan neither on IRC or B.net.

This really kicked the crap out of our plans when it comes to wc3l and the Gamingeye.wc3 Clan-league. But we will see to it that it will work.. Sooner or later.

This ends this newpost, stay tuned for the new version of our q-pad mousepad design and ...Candy!

Sunday 4/1
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@team-sweden.com?subject=Staff_msg
  Hellu again, this is our first newpost in the year 2004. I dont have much to talk about but its better then nothing at all. First of all, I got lots and lots of picture from our New Years Eve ... "party" and I will have them online as soon as possible.
Till then you can always see
THIS movie over and over and over again until .. you go crazy.

Some good news, haZe.dp and Tessla.dp ended up on some very nice places in the Monsterplay LAN this weekend. haZe.dp ended 3:rd and Tessla on 4:th place while rew-Snaggy took home the second place and 4k-LaWn won the whole thing. Congratulations to you all. Our boys won tickets to the next Monsterplay LAN while the other two got a whole lot of money.

Also, the
Archive Page is finally more or less complete. Most of the old archive pages has some link, picture, html problems. This is because I have just ctrl+c the pages from another folder and put them in a new folder. Anyway, the information is the important part of the archive and all that stuff are still there. Everything else should be gone.

Monday 29/12
Ho Ho Hoe!
posted by: Fenix.dp - mailto:Fenix@team-sweden.com?subject=Staff_msg
  Well Im back and I have some stuff to write about. First of all, I hope everyone have had a nice xmas with friends/family and all that kinda crap. Santa has been paying everyone a visit, even us in dp, believe it or not. Well, no Santa wanted to visit mec.dp so now he's crying himself to sleep every night. Anyhow, As you can see I have been updating the "Other" box quite often the last couple of days... I use that box for the not so clanrelated and/or big clannews. Its also because I don't feel like posting one of these when I know that the news wont become more then 2-3 lines.. Most of it being no-make-sense-talk. Kinda like this one!

Latest page updated: Added a whole lot of new previews to the StarGirl page. This also means I've added more then 10 new StarGirls to the page overall. Have a

Other page-related news: Not much.. Well, I will be added a whole lot of New Years Eve pictures later on this week.. Hopefully. It will include Me, mec, narc, ahz, orm and raziel if anyone gives a flyingfuck.

And to end this newpost, From us all to most of you people, a happy new year! See ya in 2004.