T2 Combat - Speed Fighting
T2, or Type 2 is most commenly known as the style of speed. T2 is often accompanited with a minimum word limit of 7-10-7.
There are three things you need to remember in attacking:
1.) Say what you are attacking with.
2.) What body part are you attacking.
3.) Who you are attacking.
The first number of the trio, 7-10-7, is the attack (Or known as the attempt.) 7 words is the minnimum words recruid in this line. Look below for example.
Shane:<Shane steps towards Zyclin's left flank, his fist moves towards his nose.>
The second number, being 10, 10 is the minnimum number in your connect. If it's less then 10, then your voided. ( Void means it doesn't count.) In the connect you need to say how you hit your opponenet, what happins to him, and the name of your opponent. If there is no dodge by your opponenet before you connect it counts as one hit, if it's a normal attack. Now, I'll connect with the previese attack wich was stated above.
Shane:<Shane's fist smashes full into Zyclin's nose, blood issuing forth, between Shane's tightly closed fingers.>
Defending/ Dodging
There are two things you need to remember in doding:
1.) How you move or block. (Catch, parry, move to sides.)
2.) Say what you dodge. (Foot, sword, hand, ect. )
And finally the number 7, being the dodge. Most people don't relise how inportant the role for dodging is. If the dodge is used correctly, it can induce an opening. Now, if the dodge is done before the connect it does not count as a point for your opponenet. Check example below.
Zyclin:<Zyclin Steps forward, swinging his blade down towards Shane's leg, from a lower position>

Shane:<Shane dances on the balls of his feet, leaping backwards, coliding his blade down towards Zyclin's, parrying it.>
Counterattacking recruiers 12 words at least. The counterattack is for removing your self from your opponents attack, and then attacking back. Not much to it really, look below for an example.
Zyclin:<Zyclin pushes his blade out towards the chest of Shane.>

Shane: <Shane swings his blade vertically, taking the blade away from his chest, and low to his body, Shane pivouts on his left foot, spining while taking his left elbow at the side of Zyclin's head.>( Note: There's no reason to use that many words, keep in mind it's just an example. Also after the counterattack you would connect as normal. )
Now, once you or your opponent Reaches 5 hits a finisher may be preformed. A finisher is done to finish off your opponent. This could mean killing him or knocking him out, or anything else you can imagine. A finisher can not be dodged. But, unlike any other regular attack, a finisher needs preps. (Read preps below.) You need two preps, and then you can send your attack. But, in your connect, you must have 20 words.Look at the example below, but note I wont be doing the two preps.
Shane:<Takes his blade from the left to the right, moving it over towards Zyclin's head.>
Shane:<Shane's blade tears into Zyclin's neck, ripping clean through it, Zyclin's head falla in a roll against the ground, my blade exiting out the other end of his head.>
There's not much to say about Preperations(Or otherwise known as preps.) They are very easy, just dont overcomplicate it. Preperations have to have atleast 7 words. A preperation is used for magic, Finishers, throwing objects, ect. Although, some moves may contain more then one preperation. Throwing an object would recruir one preperations. A ki beam, being energy, needs two preps. Look below for example.
Shane:<Shane focuses on his innate fire ability, cupping his hands, formitalizing a fire ball into his hands.>
Shane:<Shane graps the formitalizing ball with both of his hands, letting a red light surroud his palms.>(Note: After the prep(s) you are able to send your move, and then connect it. )