The Ultraviolent CombatZone
Rocko's Top Ten Finishers

I’m back and I have another list for everyone.This list will be the top 10 most devistating/good-looking finishing moves of people around CZW.Remember,this is just my personal opinion and people probably don’t agree with me,but these are my favorites.

1:Infared Splash (Red)-I would just love to know how Red does this move because I absolutely love it.

2:Storm Cradle Driver (Quiet Storm)-How in the world does he get them flipped over so fast?

3:Spanish Fly (SAT)-Awesome move that takes a lot of coordination and teamwork to successfully complete.

4:Pain Thriller (Justice Pain)-This move is very effective,especially from the top of something (i.e. cage,turnbuckle,ladder,ect)

5:Rolling DVD (Lobo)-Way back at Enter the Zone,Lobo gave Johnny Kashmere this move off an elevated level right through a table,knocking them both out and that’s what hooked me to this move.

6:Chokeslam/Backbreaker (Nick Gage)-I bet this move hurts quite a bit.

7:Springboard Somersault Van Terminator (Ruckus)-One

8:Assault Driver (Nick Mondo)-This move looks the coolest when he puts someone through a table or something.

9:Red Star Press (Red)-A standing shooting star press...just the sound of it is impressive,but actually seeing it is not to be missed.

10:Choke N Stein(Wifebeater)-This move has put a lot of people away and it looks like it’s not gonna stop.

Well,there they are,hopefully I will be able to put another up soon,but I’ll just have to take a look at my schedule.If anyone likes these lists,be sure to notify me so that if you like them I can start doing more and if you don’t like them,stop or one down.


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