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Copyright © 2000
Gold Coast Knights Kiwanis of Boca Raton, Florida.
All Rights Reserved.

Gold Coast Knights Presidents
& Kiwanians of the Year

Gold Coast Knight Presidents: (click here for photos)

Current President 2007-2008 John Sullivan
Past President 2006-2007 Robert Richar
Past President 2005-2006 Maggie Gunther
Past President 2004-2005 Beth Shrack
Past President 2003-2004 Terilynn Hoffman-Schmitt
Past President 2002-2003 Bari Siegall
Past President 2001-2002 Reneé Richar
Past President 2000-2001 Robert Richar
Past President 1999-2000 Carol Clyde
Charter President 1998-1999 Donna Parton

Gold Coast Knights Kiwanians of the Year:

Awarded 2007 To be announced
Awarded 2006 To be announced
Awarded 2005 Maggie Gunther
Awarded 2004 Keva Anderson-Konsker
and Reneé Richar
Awarded 2003 Ed Schweitzer
Awarded 2002 Keva Anderson-Konsker
Awarded 2001 Carol Clyde
Awarded 2000 Paul Sparrow
Awarded 1999 Reneé Richar

Words from Charter President Donna Parton

Renee and I had been trying to get an evening club organized for a couple of years. In the fall of 1998, we decided that it was time to make it a reality. We had our initial brainstorming meeting at the Fall Circle K Zone Rally at Wade's clubhouse in 1998. The core group was Renee, Rob, Kris Swanson, Beth, Sheryl and me. This was a truly knowledgeable group, since 4 were former CKI members, Kris and I had been in Kiwanis, I was a Past First Lady and Beth "grew up" in Kiwanis and was also spouse of a Past Lt. Gov. (We also had Bob and Wade whom we could rely upon for guidance when asked) After that meeting, we had a dinner meeting at the Shracks and began to really plan. We decided that we would be an evening dessert club which would meet twice a month at Addison Mizner. We then transferred our meeting to Addison Mizner and began meeting every other week. Our initial meetings were long, as we tried to work out as many of the details before asking others to join us. Stu, a former CKI member, joined our core group. We chose the name Gold Coast Knights to reflect that our membership would be coming from both counties. Once we decided on the name, we thought it was really a great name, especially the way we spell Knights. In the beginning, we put a circle around the K.

Everyone worked to recruit members. We moved to the Music room, since our group was growing quickly. We usually had over twenty at a meeting. February 18, 1998, we filled out all the paper work, approved our Bylaws, and officially elected our Charter Officers. This was an important group because they were truly charting the course for this organization. I had the honor to serve as the Charter President with an extremely dedicated group. Although our major emphasis was on service, our focus in the beginning was also on educating members on what is Kiwis and all the aspects of the organization and the K family. It was a busy and exciting time. We also had many social activities and became a family. I relished representing our club at major functions, especially when other members of the club were present. Our members have such spirit and everyone soon got to know GCK because of enthusiasm. At conventions and meetings, anytime our name was mentioned, or the name of one of our members, our group would cheer. I recall that at the District Convention in Ft. Lauderdale, our members were seated at the last table in the back of the hall, but cheered so loudly, the everyone knew where they were!

In many new Kiwanis clubs, the Charter President is reelected to serve for the following Kiwanis year for continuity. Although our official birthday is Feb. 18, 1999, I had been serving as president since our initial brainstorming meeting in October 1998. Our club had a group of members with former K family leadership experience who were willing to take on leadership roles with GCK, so I did not feel the need to serve a second year. I was confident we would be fine. As you know from being a member from almost the beginning, this was the right decision.

During the first year, and throughout the years, we have had our ups and downs. I relate this to a child's experiences. A newborn arrives amid such excitement for all. Then as time goes on, there are many challenges for the child and family. There are so many stages of life filled with new experiences and learning adventures, some wonderful and some unpleasant. Hopefully, the child grows and matures into a dynamic, incredible adult and an asset to society. I truly feel that Gold Coast Knights is on course to becoming that truly incredible, dynamic club and a most definite asset to society!

I could go on and on. We are great!!!!