MegaData's Domain [20 K]

You stand now before the Threshold

This web site is dedicated to MEGADETH and Atari.


For those of meeker modems, my domain hath the appellation:
"Image and Table Intensive."

Behold! Heed my warning before you arrive one step hence,
spellbound by unforeseen visions lurking in the Gatehouse.
My wretched vex detained one hapless victim.
Shield thyself from such wizardry...
unless thine doth dine with finer men than he.

Choose your weapon: Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape

Netscape Navigator 2.01
Font / Encoding Options

Doc Encoding: Western (Mac Roman)
All Fonts set at "Times" size 10

512 X 384 Monitor @ 256 Colors
All Image Sizes: under 100 K
All Text Files: 30 K or under

Stand before the gates!

Thy be traveler Counter since May / 29 / 2003
If you must save this destination for future reference, please scribe:
Other destinations are subject to name changes.

Unique ideas best be sent to MegaData at Geocities dot Com

Apple Neighboring realm of GeoCities