(just wanted to put in warning, i changed my format, my mst comments will now be the put in using the >>> not the other way around)

>>>Shinji: i was wondering...why do you think people make these things?
>>>Rei: we went over this before, they wish to put people they know into new situations that they wished to see
>>>Asuka: in other words, wishful thinking, but hell i don't mind that much
>>>Shinji: I know, its just odd to me i guess

>>>Asuka: what isn't?

>>>Shinji: please don't start on that

>>>Rei: we have the next fanfic loading now..we better prepair

>>>Asuka: puke bag ready

>>>Shinji: i hope they others get here soon

>>>Rei: dislike all the attention?

>>>Asuka: afraid of being alone with us you hentai?

Subject: [Eva] [Fanfic] Always
From: The Lone Gunman <Regulus@DigiCron.com>
Date: 1998/07/12
Message-ID: <35A9219E.443A@DigiCron.com>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.anime.fandom
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Damn news server of mine....better post this time >_<
I'm a first timer. Go easy on me :p

A Neon Genesis Evangelion fic by The Lone Gunman

>>>Asuka: if he's a lone gunman shouldn't he keep this to himself and not be found out?

Shinji sat up in bed quickly, drenched in sweat.
Another Nightmare.

>>>Asuka: better be a nightmare 'stares daggers at shinji'

>>>Rei: if it wasn't..it would still scare him

>>>Shinji: i don't like always being the focal point of this

They'd been coming a lot lately, he didn't know why.
Must've been due to all the recent Angel attacks.
Or at least that's what Misato wrote it off as.
He stood up and went to get himself a glass of water.

He sat back near his bed and took a sip.
Misato had been working late all that week, and he never knew when she'd be in.

>>>Shinji: so visiting Kaji is work now?

>>>Rei: it is a 'kind' of work yes

It was 3am and, seeing as how he didn't hear any snoring, she must not be back yet.
He sighed.

He had been fairly depressed that day, and the nightmare wasn't helping.

>>>Asuka: when isn't he depressed, he could give lessons to a mental ward

"I gotta get some fresh air..." he said quietly into the room and stood again.
Walking to the balcony door, he opened it and stepped outside.
He leaned against the railing and looked up towards the stars.
"Why do I feel so....."
He couldn't find the words to finish his sentence.

>>>Asuka: stupid, boring, need i go on?

"...Much like a jerk?"
Asuka's voice came from behind.
/Must've woken her up when I got the water,/ he thought.
He winced slightly.

>>>Rei: must be the view, nobody should wake up to that

"I don't need your insults, Asuka." he said softly.
"What's your problem?" she smirked back.

>>>Rei: his roommate maybe

>>>Shinji: problems..problems..what is my problem, i think an
entire 26 eps series and movie couldn't sum them all up

"Just leave me alone....."
Asuka raised an eyebrow. Shinji usually didn't talk back to her like that.
When did HE get up his nerve?

>>>Asuka: and he better never get on around me, now will you

>>> shinji promptly hides under his seat

She sighed.
"Are you okay, Shinji?"
There was a....quality to her voice Shinji never heard before.
Something different.

>>>Rei: something other than outright contempt and hatred?

Then it hit him.

>>>Shinji: her fist

/Asuka's being nice to me../ he thought. /Must be the end of the world./

He realized it had been about a minute since she asked last.
He looked down to the streets below.
"....yeah, I'll be okay."
She put a hand on his shoulder.
He looked over his and saw she had a worried look on her face.
/Why would.../
Shinji stopped thinking and turned to face Asuka.
"Are YOU okay?" he asked.

>>>Asuka: i'm always ok, i'm better than ok yeah i am, don't believe me then die!

"Um, sure, why wouldn't I be? Of COURSE I'm okay, you idiot..." She said, turning away.

Her voice sounded like it was cracking.

She started to walk back in.
Shinji followed her and stopped her at the door.

"Asuka....what's wrong?"

>>>Rei: aside from the mental problems, the obsession with a man 2x her age, and piloting a robot for human existance, nothing

>>>Asuka: i do not obsess over Kaji, we were ment to be thats all

She wrapped her arms around herself and kept facing away from the confused boy.
/How can I....tell him I......"

>>>Shinji: that she hates me, never had a problem before,
what is this thing getting to?

After a moment of silence he heard her crying.
Not knowing what else to do, he went over and put a hand on her shoulder this time.
She immediately turned around and buried her face in his chest, sobbing.
He was taken by surprise.

>>>Shinji: only saw that one other time, its odd

>>>Asuka: don't look, its all fake, this whole thing is I'd never do such a pathetic thing

He didn't have a clue what she was upset over, but put his arms around her and tried his best to comfort the poor girl.

"Asuka, I...."
"Shinji?" she asked in a whispered voice, trying to control her tears,
"What were you doing outside?"

>>>Shinji: well maybe jump, fly around, dance sing, what did it look like?

"I...had a nightmare.....I went out to get some air...."
She looked up at him through her wet eyes.

>>>Rei: appears miss sohryu has a hearing problem

>>>Asuka: what did you say?

He nodded.
"About what?"

"Um.....it was about you, actually...."

Asuka looked puzzled.

>>>Asuka: thats it you hentai it was about me DIE
>>> asuka chases young ikari around theatre for several minutes before catching and beating him perfusly, they then take there seats

>>>Rei: you jump to conclusions to quickly

>>>Asuka: i don't care

Shinji turned his head and his arms went back to his sides.

"We were all fighting another Angel.......and it.......Unit 02 got busted really bad in the battle....."

>>>Rei: and that happens every time its used, it was bitten, burned buried, had its head cut off, need i go on?

>>>Shinji: i didn't notice that but you're right

Asuka listened close as Shinji's voice broke down. She saw she wasn't the only one who had tears falling this night.

".....after it was over.......you were rushed to the hospital.......I sat with you the whole time until they....told me you wouldn't make it........I....just started crying......I couldn't stand the thought of losing someone that I..."

>>>Rei: wanted to kill myself

>>>Shinji + Asuka:.......hu?

Shinji stopped and took a step back.
Asuka's blurry eyes looked at him as if to say 'go on'.

>>>Asuka: jump

He turned away and walked over to his bed.
Sitting down again, he finished his sentence in a quiet voice, one she could barely make out.

"....someone I love...."

>>>Rei: i need that bag miss sohryu 'proceeds to 'lose her lunch''

Shinji looked down a bit when he finished.
Asuka's eyes were wide.
She was expecting him to say something completely different.
She sat down beside him.

>>>Asuka: i knew it all along this is a great piece of work

>>>Shinji: but didn't you just say it was completly fake?

>>>Asuke: forget what i said

>>>Rei: i will hold true to it being totally fake

"Shinji, you..."

>>>Shinji: a normal responce would be baka, pervert, ect

>>>Rei: correct

>>>asuka simply tries not to smile and laugh

"Yes.." he said, making sure eye contact wasn't made.

For once, Asuka Langely Sohryu was at a loss for words.

>>>Shinji: quick get the camera that will NEVER happen again

"I know you don't feel the same way for me.....which is why I was reluctant to tell you.....and now that I HAVE....I wish I hadn't....
"Shinji, I......don't know what to say......I never knew you.....I mean I...."

"....Say we can't be together for some reason so I can go back to my pathetic, depressed life...."

>>>Rei: yes do, that will make it more realistic and better for me

>>>Asuka: bite me

Asuka looked at Shinji, desperately hoping she could see SOME emotion from him....it was obvious he was upset about this, but there was no tone to his voice.

/Great, Asuka...NOW whatta ya do? Follow your feelings or...../

She decided on this subject only a split second before she got a stubborn look on her face, tilted his head up, and kissed him with a passion he never knew was there.

>>> all three looka the screen in dissbelieve

>>>Asuka: i am a God!! look at how cool i am, i can make a scene

>>>Rei: i need another bag

>>>Shinji: you didn't pinch my nose shut

Wide eyed for the longest time, Shinji finally eased into the kiss and put his hands over Asuka's.
She pulled back after what seemed like forever, but was only about 10 seconds, and smiled weakly.
Shinji just blinked in shock.
/That went better than expected.../ he thought, smiling inwardly.

>>>Asuka: that's bad...baka hentai thinks he can do something right

>>>Rei: i can test him for you and tell you

>>>Shinji: what?

>>>Asuka: maybe you need the hearing aid, and if you try you die

"I hope you didn't mind..." she said after a minute or awkward silence.
"I just....couldn't resist."
"Hell no I didn't mind!" Shinji said, smiling.
Asuka giggled quietly and threw her arms around Shinji, knocking them
He laughed and hugged back, putting an arm around the girl and holding
her close to him.
She was resting her head on his chest.
He felt her breathing lightly.
She had fallen asleep again and was snoring quietly.
Shinji sweatdropped.
"Whatta time to do THAT..." he said softly, as not to wake her.
"At least I know she cares...."
With that thought in mind, Shinji's eyes shut and he fell asleep,
holding his new love in his arms.

>>>Asuka: what a sweet scene, and of course it was with me

>>>Rei: i still feel ill

>>>Shinji: so i guess that means that the auther wanted that to happen?

>>>Asuka: of course he saw that you needed a good woman and that i was bored so made this story

>>>Rei: I will withhold my comment on "this" we must go back to the living quarters now until summoned agin

>>>Shinji; some people have alot of time on their hands

>>>Asuka: yeah they do, some people oven waste more time belittiling them
its funny reading but mainly they have no talent of their own

>>>Rei: that is quite possible, no originality but free time..i think they call them mst's

>>>Shinji: well i guess you have to use you time some how

( I couldn't help it, I'd like some feed back on these zentrodie@secondimpact.com)
((I didn't write the story or own the chars, I just borrowed them from their lawful creators))

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