Brett Fletcher, M.S.Psy, Th.G, MHRS
Art by Brett Fletcher
Esoteric Literature
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Brett Fletcher, M.S.Psy, Th.G, MHRS 

Insight Counseling

Spiritual / Mental Health Counseling

Professional Titles;

M.S.Psy, Th.G, MHRS (Mental Health Rehabilitation Specialist), Rehabilitation Therapist II, Mental Health Counselor, Primary Counselor and Counselor Supervisor. 




Fifteen years experience in Mental Health (MHRS), involving clients ranging in age from nine to sixty eight years old.  Adult and child counseling: one on one and group therapy.

Six years experience with adolescents (ages 9 to 17), providing one on one counseling, crisis intervention, parent / child mediation and advocacy work with courts / schools. Nine years experience with Adult population (ages 18 to 68): career counseling, crisis intervention, supportive housing mediation and counseling, one on one and group therapy. Dream Symbolism and Interpretation (primarily based upon the Jungian Model), as well as studies on the work of Dr. William Glasser (Reality Therapy / Control Theory), and received a certificate of completion.





"Brett demonstrates competence in the duties assigned to him, eg. teaching groups, supervising and counseling clients. He possesses the unique ability to communicate with and manage the behaviors of difficult clients; especially those who usually refuse to interact with others or require frequent redirections."


Julie Centeno - Assistant Program Director - San Jose Care and Guidance Center (2006)


"Brett's greatest quality was the unique way he worked with the residents. Brett dealt with very difficult situations and handled them responsibly and professionally, while still making clients feel comfortable and safe."


Ken Boston - Program director - Opal Cliff Rehabilitation Center (1994 - 2000)


"Brett met all of the prerequisites - openness, caring, confidential, authentic and unflappable. He has not only been extremely reliable in his commitment, but is insightful, sensitive and resourceful in the handling of the many clients, with a wide range of needs, and from varied ages, ethnic, religious and economic backgrounds."


Barbara Joachim, MSW - Executive Director of CONTACT - Santa Clara County (1986 - 1996)


"As staff at this facility we are responsible for the safety and well-being of 15 on-site and 11 off-site Mental Health clients, providing regular one-on-one and group counseling. I found Brett's counseling skills to be excellent. I feel that he has a special ability to understand the human condition, help people to work with their issues, and foster independence. I would highly recommend him for any position involving counseling."


Robin Bouc - Mental Health Rehabilitation Specialist - Front Street Incorporated (2000)


Brett Fletcher is a native of Northern California. His writings are influenced by ancient sacred texts as well as a variety of esoteric works. C.G. Jung also holds an important place in these collections, which presents the balance of the religious content with science, or more specifically, Psychology.
His writings were previously published in England, India, Canada and the United States of America.
For fifteen years Brett has worked in the Mental Health field at a variety of private and state institutions. He received a Graduate of Theology degree (Th.G) in 1990 and Master of Science - Psychology (M.S.Psy) in 2007.


It is believed by some the Rose Cross originated as a Christian symbol of the first century, relating to the blood of Christ and its redemptive qualities, leading to eternal life. The cross is symbolic of resurrection and rebirth. The rose symbolizes the stages of nature and spiritual attainment. The Rose and Cross was later adopted by the Rosicrucians, an esoteric secret society that originated during the Renaissance period. The rose symbolized the redemptive power of the blood of Christ; the symbol as a whole illustrated the triumph of spirit over matter. A deeper, hidden significance of the symbol is the union of the rose of Mary with the Cross of Christ, the union of Anima and Animus, or that of Man and Woman in the highest sense.



The following chapters will be dedicated to practical mysticism or the human pursuit of union with Reality. The definition of Reality in this sense can be summed up with the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita ; AS IT IS. This will be achieved by the process of the psyche that leads to Genius, or the simplification of the mind. This in itself has the ring of being irreconcilable opposites, yet patience will demonstrate through the wisdom of knowledge; genius is a simplicity the average person has abandoned in pursuit of self interest and arrogance. Finally, it will be stated Genius is something received, like the filling up of an empty vessel, not to the credit of the greatness of certain individuals. It is for all who chose humility and kindness, with the ultimate goal of uniting with the All in All.



A collection of poetry, based upon studies in ancient literature and sacred texts, such as the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Included are poems of Love, sorrow and hope.
Written between 1990 and 2006, some of the poems were previously published.



THAT BLASTED TOWER contains writings, poems, letters, notes and commentaries concerning the symbolic story entitled UNIO TEN; the first section of ZENU U ATU. From this beginning other writings were added over the next decade and a half, becoming a collection of works, all related by the common theme of balance and the consequences of imbalance; both individually and collectively. This volume includes samples from these collections of writings and poems. Commentaries from different time periods are added to shine a light on some of the more obscure aspects of these writings. The true Self emerges from balancing the tilted scales; tempering spirituality and sexuality, or the eternal and the temporal. This is the human experience.


ZENU U ATU (book)

ZENU U ATU is a collection of writings compiled between 1991 to 1993. From Rosicrucian to Theological systems, based on the merging of symbols, numbers and letters, the purpose of this collection is to demonstrate balance through the union of opposites (Unio Mystica).
Science and Religion, Male and Female, Light and Darkness are perceived as completions of their polarity, not in opposition. Through this union of opposites a third is established, which C.G. Jung appropriately termed as Synergy.


PSYCHON (book)

PSYCHON is a collection of writings, based upon studies in Mysticism, Theology and Psychology. The main theme is social justice and spiritual freedom.
The highlight of this collection, THE FOUR REGIONS OF PSYCHON, presents four messages to Stephen from four Arch Angels; Raphael, Gabriel, Michael and Oriel. These messages are apocalyptic, yet ending with hope and restoration.
Original artwork by Brett Fletcher.


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