Additional Resources

Llewellyn's Magical Almanac
A great blend of articles and Almanac Section
Can be purchased at any major book store

The Witches Almanac
Articles and The Almanac Section
Can be purchased at any major book store

The Old Heathen's Almanac
Alamanac, Articles, Poems and Recipes

General Editor: Jack Hart
The Troth
Box 472    Berkley, CA  94701

Witches' Spell-A-Day Almanac
Holidays, Lore, Spells, Recipes, Rituals and Meditations----with an annual almanac
Can be purchased at most any major book store

Herbal Almanac
Herb Magic and Lore, Growing and Gathering, Health and Beauty, Herbs for Crafting and Cooking
Can be Purchased at any major book store
Calendars and Date Books

Llewellyn's Calendars and Datebooks are the  best for any serious Witch or any other Pagan Followers!
The Calendars are visually attractive and are filled with a lot of useful information for each month.
They are filled with beautiful artwork images.

WE'Moon Datebook
              "Gaia Rythms for Womyn"
                Articles, Poems, Recipes, Magickal
                 Correspondences, and much more
Magazines & Journals for Witches and Pagans

Sage Woman
Celebrating The Goddess in Every Woman

Pan Gaia
A Pagan Journal for Thinking People

Nature Spirituality Quarterly

The Beltane Papers
A Journal of Women's Mysteries

Crescent Magazine
A Pagan Publication of Art, Philosophy and Belief

Witchcraft & Wicca Magazine
A UK Publication. A Small, highly glossy and hip magazine