Black winged
like the midnight Moon---
ever watchful---clear eyed---
hear me---guide me---
teach me old magick,
guard my Crafting, keenly---
lend me your wisdom
that I may cast with boldness
and insight
beneath your eloquent gaze.

)0( Brenna
An Entry from my Book of Shadows
October 2000

---Spent the better part of the day in the woods of the Hart Farm---walking and foraging---gathering American Walnuts, acorns, particular fallen branches, Hawthorn berries and leaves, various fallen feathers, rose hips and so on throughout the dips and rises of the land.
A good crisp day---a full autumn sun---faint breeze to cool th skin. Found a turtle sheel when first out---a snail shell lying in a crevace near an overhaong cave (gave that to Cat)---and on my way out of the woods, a large brownish-green toad perched at the roots of an Elm. As I bent to get a better look, another bit of movement to my right---a large (almost too large for comfort) black salamander.
All in all---too much for mere accident---all in all a glorious day!

On Being Inspired...
At different points, in various places, during flashes, we are inspired by others. We are inspired by people we know and those we don't---we are inspired by the animals that live with us and by those that live beyond the fence or camera lense---we are inspired by the Ancestors and by those who have yet to be.
There are big inspirations and small inspirations----Grand Inspiration and mundane. It isn't that Grand inspiration is better than mundane inspiration, it is that the latter does not resonate as proundly as the first----does not compel or shove us into action. Mundane inspirations, once accumalated certainly transform into Grand Inspiration. Rarely, does Grand Inspiration occur in a sudden burst as Shelley would have us believe.
We are all capable of Grand and mundane inspiration---but it does require awareness. One gets better at recognizing it in  its many guises with practise and mindfullness.
It requires listening.
(more later...)

I am inspired by...
My Mother, Gertrude, who continues to teach me from beyond the veil.

Emily Dickinson, whose words flung open the doors and shone bright light on dark corners---without asking.

My husband's deep set blue eyes.

Chaucer's (my dog) unwavering devotion.

Found stones and feathers.

Wildlife documentaries

Thomas Hardy novels

The Atlantic Ocean

My Cat's attitude
