...or a Rollie Pollie Eater
Name: Cristal

(call me Cristy and you will suffer under my mind controlling powers)
(These are just a few tidbits about myself)
Location: Ontario.
   That's in CALIFORNIA and
not Canada. 
   Although, unlike many...I don't hate Canada.
D.O.B.: April 20, 1983 (4/20/83)

   Yes, I know what you are thinking...

   NOPE, I don't know Joey Lawrence and we don't
hang out on our birthday.

   I like to draw, write thoughts and poetry... sometimes stories.  I like to try and play guitar (although, I have been finding myself playing it like a bass...not always good). 

   I LOVE sleep..sleep is ALWAYS good.  I love to listen to music and take pictures of random stuff.  Blogging is a must for me.   I rarely work on my site, though.  I collect faeries aswell.
Work: Borders, INC.

   Nice, artistic, weird, polite, sarcastic, creative, individual, expressive people.  Food, music, paintings, faeries, zephyr, and bass guitars.  Reading other people's journal, reading, learning, discovering, walking, laughing, rain, shades, cats and cartoons. 

   Rude and obnoxious people.  I also don't like to be used.  War sux and food.  Getting bad attention and not getting good attention.  Drugs...they reek of shit.  Ignorance...don't like that at all.  My friend, Eileen, says I hate cheerleders...go figure that one out.  Studying, anxiety.  Being touched in the neck.