This page is dedicated to Zeratul, since www.oocities.org/zera555 IS named after him...
   Zeratul is one of the main leaders, and good guys in Starcraft.  After Tassadar calls on his aid near the end of the original Starcraft, he helps lead the Protoss to victory over the Zerg Overmind.  After the Overmind is defeated, he takes the remaining Protoss back to his homeworld, Shakuras.  The Zerg follow though, so with the help of Artanis and some magical crystals, he wipes the planet clean of everything that lives except the Toss.  After that Zeratul, and the Protoss in general, don't show up much in the game, except for one main thing.  Zeratul and a small band of Toss go to a secret moon,  ( <--- this pic) looking for their Protoss comrades but instead stumble upon a secret Terran experiment.  This is a really cool level, and I suggest you play it if you haven't, because it leads many people to believe there will be a 4th race in Starcraft 2...

    So overall, I think Zeratul is a great guy, except I doubt he'll be in the next game since it said "And James Raynor and Zeratul went their seperate ways, and were never heard of again."  He does a whole ton for the Toss, but doesn't get much credit, since he was never the main leader.  WAY TO GO ZERATUL!!!