Character information
Name: Zerna Jara
Rank: Senior Chief Petty Officer
Possition: Chief of the Boat
Gender: Male
Species: Trill (Joint)
Age: 37
Symbiont age: 210
Physical appearence
Hight: 6' 0"
Weight: 194 lbs
Eye colour: Silver
Hair colour: Dark

Physical Description: Zerna Jara is a rather large man for his for a trill. Years of combat has left marks on his back and hands. The silver coloured eyes could send chills down the spine on just about anyone if it wasn't for his warm smile.

Personality & traits
General Overview: To be short, Jara is old. Closer to 210 years old, five previus hosts has been his host during his life spand. Zerna has been the host for the past twenty years. During that time, he elisted as security detail and was assigned to a deep space colony. The years of service has shaped his personality to a thick skinned enlisted officer and it has earned him many decuration over the years. In general, Jara has a tough exterior when he's on duty but ones he's off duty. He will practicy turn in to a large tedy bear.

Strengths & Weaknesses: Jara's biggest strength is probably his fast knolage thew the symbiont, with five hosts under his belt. He's expertieze is broad and varied.

This has it's drawbacks as well, though Jara is relativly young. Some of his past has been quite violent and it some times tend to break threw Zerna's trained mind barriers.

Ambitions: His biggest ambission is to serv starfleet. Ever seince he was a boy, it has been his second most desiered dream (after being joined).

Hobbies & Interests: In his spear time, he enjoyes a good old book and even play the piano now and then. Some times, he even uses a brush and canvis.

Languages: Federation standard & Trill

Father: Ilia Bartha
Mother: Oiana Bartha
At the time he elisted Starfleet, things on a remot colony close to the klingon boarder where having some imence civil wars between two rival native clans. Starfleet sent Jara together with a large preportion of peace keeping force to safe guard the federation settlements and find a peaceful sulution. Many years and long bloody battles followed as to the increased number of Federation security force. The two riveling clans formed a lose peace treaty to drive the federation away what they clamed to be their home planet eons ago.

It wasn't until after fifteen years of hostileties things started to cool down, during those years. The colony had been regarded as a hell hole, fewer and fewer cadets of the academy wanted to be asigned there. That helf a shortage of needed men and women to keep the peace.

During those years, Jara had risen threw the ranks and resived his share of battle scars. It wasn't until five years later when peace was attained threw out the colony that Zerna got assigned to a starship. The USS Beowulf.

= Deeper information =

During the first year at his assignment on Previlion II as part of the peace keeping force, he had been in over twenty ingagements to defend key locations of Federation facileties. The two rivaling clans, G'Ladi and Ter'Rotah had formed a loose peace to fight off the 'invaders' from their planet. It was also during this year (after 6 moths) he met a human woman named Jenny. Assigned to the medical detatchemnt on the colony, he came to see her on a regular bassis (standard prosedure since the waring clans had been known to use kemical weapons), at first it was regular check ups.

Then in the begining of year two, Jara was struck by granade shrapnal and it badly damaged him. Jenny (a skilled docktor) performed a field surgery that eventualy saved Zerna's life. From that moment their fates where locked together, falling deeply in love after a long friendship. Time on the colony seamed to run away when they spent time together.

Two weeks after his first promotion, the main federation facileties where hit by kamacazi raids. The federation forces suffered devestating losses, Jara lost a lot of friends and the thing that made it all worth while, Jenny. Killed instantly and painlessly, she was the first victim of the Kamacazi raids.

After the Federation fought of the attackers and the dust had settled, they had lost close to 80% of their manpower and close to 60% of the facileties on the planet. After burreing his beloved Jenny, he played her tribute and honour by standing over a cliff during the sunrize and played his trumpet with the sadest tunes he knew, even some traditional military burrial tunes like taps and amazing grace in clear tunes every day for two weeks.

Even if the lose of Jenny plauged him greatly, he found some comfort in his work. Comiting himself full heartedly to his job, it was only a matter of time before he would rize again in the ranks.

After four years of service, he was offered to be re-assigned. He pure-heartedly denied the offere and promiced to stay on the colony for as long as it takes, until the fighting had stopped.

After twenty years, fighting had finally come to a stop leaving behind it a long and bloody war. The same day the peace treaty was signed, Jara was re-assigned to a new possition. The Star ship USS Beowulf.

= End deeper information =
Noticable items

Zerna Jara's personal broadsword: The personal mele weapon of Jara, been with him for over fifteen years. A gift from a native on the colony where he was stationed. Sharp, surprisingly light & agile. This weapon is a formidable mele weapon, with a skilled hand. It would even be capable of dealing with a skilled Bath'Leth wielder.



Zerna Jara's personal firearms: The personal firearms used by Zerna Jara in some away missions. Due to the dangers of using chemically propelled projectile weaponry, he uses them mainly in planetary operations. They are held in tactical holsters strapped on his thighs.