
The following links comprise an international list of Professional Practitioners and Teachers of Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Many of the Practitioners on the list are multi-lingual and will travel internationally.

Fees and expenses may vary depending on size, type, and location of structures requiring audits, or provisions of teaching seminars, or medical evaluations.

South Adelaide

Rio de Janeiro








United Kingdom

United States


John Mausolf
Tradtional Feng Shui Consultant and Lecturer
Pure Feng Shui
Adelaide, South Australia
Office: 61-8-8261 3186
Fax: 61-8-8261 3186
Services: Consultation and Introductory Workshops
Bio-Data: Trained and Certified by Master Joseph Yu in Flying Stars and it's many secret techniques including the "Castle Gate", "7th Star to Capture", "Replacement Stars" and "Divine Water and Mountain Dragon" methods. These techniques for creating harmony in your environment are the authentic and time-proven methods of "Compass and Form" identical to those used by the best Asian Masters of Feng Shui.

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Aline Lopes Mendes
Tradtional Feng Shui Consultant
Arquitetura, Feng Shui Tradicional Chinês & Radiestesia
Architecture, Traditional Chinese Feng Shui & Dowsing

Rio de Janeiro
Office: (55-21) 570.3204
Formação: Estudos avançados de Feng Shui Xuan Kong com os Mestres Joseph Yu, Toronto, Canada; e Larry Sang, Los Angeles, California, EUA. Estudos de I Ching com Alayde Mutzenbecher, tradutora do I Ching de Richard Wilhelm para o português.
Bio-Data: Certified Xuan Kong Feng Shui studies with Masters Joseph Yu, Toronto, Canada; and Larry Sang, Los Angeles, California, US. I Ching studies with Alayde Mutzenbecher, translator of Richard Wilhelm's I Ching to portuguese.
Serviços: Consultorias de Feng Shui e Radiestesia, Projetos de Arquitetura e Interiores integrados ao Feng Shui e Radiestesia.
Services: Feng Shui and Dowsing Consultations, Architecture and Interior Planning under Feng Shui and Dowsing principles.

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Marie-Pierre Dillenseger
Authentic Chinese Feng Shui Practitioner and Teacher
Praticien de Feng Shui Authentique Chinois et Enseignant
Power Spaces
6 Rue du General Camou
75007 Paris
Office: 33-(0)1-40-62-99-81
Fax: 33-(0)1-40-62-99-82
Mobile: 33-(0)6-80-71-47-11
Languages: English, French
Langues: Francais, Anglais
Services:Feng Shui audits for commercial and residential buildings. Site and floor plan assessments prior to real estate investment, construction, moving and renovation projects. Focus on key areas to maximize ROI. Professional follow-up. Conferences. Also offering classes in Feng Shui.
Services: Conseil et expertises en Feng Shui des Affaires et Residentiel. Analyses sur site et sur plan avant investissement immobilier, construction, demenagement ou renovation. Optimisation des espaces. Suivi professionnel et confidentiel. Conferences.
Bio-data: Certified by Master Joseph Yu (Toronto) as practitioner of Authentic Chinese Feng Shui (Xuan Kong Feng Shui) and Traditional Chinese Astrology (Ba Zi). Initial training with G. Timon, Qigong Master and Teacher of Trad. Chinese Medecine (Cercle Sinologique de l'Ouest). Professional background in large-scale Project Management for High-Tech and Multimedia industry in France and in the US. Currently based in Paris after 7 years in Boston.
Formation: Formation de Praticien de Feng Shui Authentique Chinois (Xuan Kong Feng Shui) et d'Astrologie Chinoise Traditionelle (Ba Zi) aupres de Maitre Yu (Toronto). Diplome de Praticien de Feng Shui du Cercle Sinologique de l'Ouest. 15 ans d'experience en gestion de projet informatique et multimedia en France et aux USA. Basee actuellement a Paris apres 7 ans a Boston.
Locale: International. Call for quote and references.
Locale: Deplacements en France et a l'etranger. Devis et references sur demande.

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Juergen Schnitzler
Feng Shui Consultant and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Feng Shui Berater und Heilpraktiker (Trad. Chin. Medizin)
Feng Shui Professionell
Greefsallee 233
41748 Viersen
Office/Tel.: 49-(0)2162-21717
Office/Tel.: 40-(0)2161-14768
Mobile/Mobil: ++49-(0)177-6557864
Languages: German and English
Sprachen: Deutsch und Englisch
Locale: Germany, unlimited travel, will go anywhere if the conditions are acceptable for both parties.
Beratungen im Raum: Deutschland und überall, falls die Konditionen für beide Parteien akzeptabel sind.
Services: Authentic traditional Feng Shui and Tradtional Chinese Medicine, audits and assessments for private and business purposes concerning building, construction, renovation and acquisition of houses, offices and shops.
Beratungsangebot: Authentisches, traditionelles Feng Shui und traditionelle chinesische Medizin; Beratungen und Gutachten für private und geschäftliche Zwecke, wie: Um- und Neubauten, Baupläne, Renovierung und Kauf von Häusern, Büros und Geschäften.

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Lizia Batla
Traditional Feng Shui Practitioner and Teacher
Indian Chapter of Master Joseph Yu's Feng Shui Research Center
LB Feng Shui - The Time and Space School
16, Diamond Apartments, 6th Floor
Mount Mary road, Bandra (W)
Mumbai 400050, India
Office/Tel: [91-22] 643 1775
Office/Tel: [91-22] 642 3243
Office/Tel: [91-22] 641 5428
Office/Fax: [91-22] 641 5428
Languages: English and most Indian languages.
Locale: Available anywhere in India, referrals provided to experienced International Practitioners for overseas clients.
Services: Classes conducted regularly, all over India.
Feng Shui Audits done for residential and commercial premises.
Specialized consultations for new constructions and Builders/Estate Agents.
Complimentary Feng Shui Audits for families with Physically and Mentally Challenged Children, (with proviso that they assist with challenged children, at least for 16 working hours/ 2 working days).
Bio-data: Aromatherapist - Open International University (Recognised by W.H.O).
Reflexologist - Open International University. (Recognised by W.H.O)
Studied BTB for 3 years with a teacher from U.K.
Trained and Certified in the Time and Space school of Flying Stars Feng Shui, under Master Joseph Yu, in Sydney and Mumbai.
Trained and Certified in Four Pillars under Master Joseph Yu - Sydney.
Currently studying Zi Wei Dou Shu (Correspondence Course) with her Sifu, Master Joseph Yu.
Has been practicing Feng Shui for 6 years, initially practicing BTB, but now only Flying Stars and Eight Mansion theory.
Has introduced the people of Mumbai, with the help of her Sifu, Master Joseph Yu, to the Compass and Flying Stars (Time and Space) School.

Raajeish P Shah
Professional Feng Shui Consultant
162-E, Mohan Manor
Dr. B. Ambedkar Road
Dadar, Mumbai 400 014 India
Office/Tel: [91-22] 414 1614
Office/Fax: [91-22] 415 1462
Cellular: 98210 25709
Languages: English, Hindi, Gujarati, Kutchi & Marathi
Locale: Available anywhere in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan & Pakistan. Also available to travel anywhere internationally if the conditions are acceptable for both parties.
Services: Professional Feng Shui consultations for residential and commercial premises. Off-site consultation is available, e-mail for details.
Bio-data: Raajeish P Shah is a practitioner of Xuan Kong Feng Shui. Raajeish has been a Feng Shui practitioner for several years and has studied with Indian Feng Shui Guru Lizia Batla. Lizia also introduced Raajeish to the teachings of world renowned Feng Shui Master Joseph Yu with whom Raajeish is currently concentrating on further advanced Xuan Kong Feng Shui studies.

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Roelof P. Hill (Xi Lu)
Traditional Chinese Feng Shui, Four Pillars Astrology, Oriental Systems for Character, Health and Divination, Martial Arts Instructor
Feng Shui Network Netherlands
Bernadottelaan 245
2037 GR Haarlem
The Netherlands
[Feng Shui Network Netherlands (1995) is an initiative of Butao Awareness Centre and Butao Taekwondo Academy (1979)]
Office: 0031 (0)23 5333375
Languages: Dutch, English, German (conversational Portuguese)
Services: Consultations, introductory studies, and the 7 Level Professional Destiny Consultant Educational Program. Training of individuals, groups, organizations, therapists, educators, business staff, and employees in time and space planning through authentic Feng Shui, Four Pillars, and Nine Star Ki. Specialised in one on one ad hoc consulting, prognostication of do’s and do not’s, directionology for travelling and initiative, destiny readings and dealing with individual/group pathological, educational, and existential problems through systems mentioned.
Bio-Data: Xi Lu (1958) has been studying and practising oriental systems since 1973. Relevant Chinese Feng Shui and/or Four Pillars studies since 1994 with mstrs. Roger Green, prof. dr. Cheng Jian Jun, Dr. Ho Chin Chung, Raymond Lo, Richard Tsui, prof. Wang Yu De, dr. Kai Zhang, prof. Chan Ping Woon. Feng Shui and Four Pillars correspondence courses with master Joseph Yu. Special apprentice to his beloved master prof. dr. Cheng Jian Ju. Zi Wei Dou Shu introductory with Michael Chiang. Most influencial teachers have been Stephen Devine, Ronald D. Chin, Phil Janetta, Bob Sachs, Jon Sandifer, Hank Reisen, Nimish and Parul Patel, Msr. Sashikala Ananth, Michio Kushi, Guus Augustin, Louis Pardoel, Seo Myung Soo . Currently studying Chinese language at Leiden university.
Taekwondo instructor with two manuscripts (available in dutch) about inner development in martial arts and budo etiquette. Teaching since 1979. Has given trainings in England, Portugal and Hong Kong.
Studied in England, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Tibet, Nepal and India.
Xi Lu introduced Feng Shui compass method, Flying Star method and Four Pillars to the Netherlands in 1996.
Locale: Global. Multi-level educational programme Destiny Consultant available for your country. Programme consists of all systems mentioned with extensive workbooks in english.
Motto and Philosophy: “Devoted To Your Destiny In One Peaceful World”. Preoccupation is with ‘destiny change’ for people and our planet. Four Pillars students learn how to read Chinese calendar and Stems and Branches in Chinese characters.

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Adelina Pang
Feng Shui Consultant & Founder
Wind & Water Geomancy Centre
Singapore Registered Fengshui Centre (Reg. No: 52892196K)
Tel:(65) 9634 5670
Fax: (65) 343 1508
Services: Professional Feng Shui consultations for residential and commercial premises. Off-site consultation is available for the convenience of overseas clients.
Bio-Data: Adelina Pang, a Feng Shui practitioner for several years, Founder of the Wind & Water Geomancy Centre, and a representative of Yap Cheng Hai Feng Shui Centre of Excellence, has studied with world renowned Feng Shui Grandmaster Yap Cheng Hai and Master Joseph Yu.

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Olga García
Consultora y Profesora de Feng Shui Tradicional
Traditional Feng Shui Consultant and Teacher
Consultas Feng Shui Tai-Ji
Tel: +46 – (0) 31 – 29 16 79
Fax: +46 – (0) 31 – 29 16 79
Idiomas: Español, Sueco, Inglés y Francés
Languages: Swedish, Spanish, English and French
Servicios: Consultas de Feng Shui para Viviendas particulares y lugares de trabajo.
Ofrezco los Cursos de Feng Shui por Correspondencia del Maestro Joseph Yu traducidos al español.
Consejos sobre terrenos y planos para la adquisición de casas, oficinas, tiendas antes de comprar o antes de proyesctos de renovación.
Services: Feng Shui consultations for private residences and business offices.
Providing Master Joseph Yu’s Feng Shui Correspondence Courses translated into Spanish.
Site and Floor Plan assessments for acquisition of houses, offices, shops prior to moving and renovation projects.
Bio-data: Licenciada en Xuan Kong Feng Shui (Feng Shui Tradicional sobre Tiempo y espacio) y estudios sobre Ba Zi ( Los Cuatro Pilares del Destino, Astrología Tradicional China) con el Maestro Joseph Yu del Feng Shui Research Center, Toronto, Canada. Estudios de Zhineng Chigong con el Maestro Dong-Yue Su en Suecia. Miembro de los Intructores del Feng Shui Board de la Escuela de Tiempo y Espacio.
Bio-data: Xuan Kong Feng Shui and Ba Zi (Four Pillars of Destiny, Traditional Chinese Astrology), studied with Master Joseph Yu of Feng Shui Research Center, Toronto, Canada, and studied Zhineng Shigong with Master Dong-Yue Su.
Localizada en: España y Suecia, viajo sin límites tambien, según previo acuerdo.
Locale: Spain and Sweden, unlimited travel also depending on conditions.

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Olga García
Traditionell Feng Shui Konsult och lärare
Traditional Feng Shui Consultant and Teacher
Tai-Ji Feng Shui Konsult
Tel: +46 – (0) 31 – 29 16 79
Fax: +46 – (0) 31 – 29 16 79
Språk: Svenska, Spanska, Engelska och Franska
Languages: Swedish, Spanish, English and French
Tjänster som kan erbjudas: Feng Shui konsultation för privatpersoner och företag.
Jag ger kurser och lär ut Master Joseph Yu’ s Feng Shui Correspondence Courses översatta till Spanska.
Rådgivning inför inköp eller renovering av sin bostad, företag eller andra affärer.
Services: Feng Shui consultations for private residences and business offices.
Providing Master Joseph Yu’s Feng Shui Correspondence Courses translated into Spanish.
Site and Floor Plan assessments for acquisition of houses, offices, shops prior to moving and renovation projects.
Bio-data: Diplomerad i Xuan Kong Feng Shui och studerat Ba Zi (Four Pillars of Destiny, Traditionell Kinesisk Astrologi), hos Master Joseph Yu of Feng Shui Research Center, Toronto, Canada. Zhineng Shigong, har utfört studier hos Master Dong-Yue Su, i Sverige. Medlem av instruktörerna i Feng Shui Board of the Time-Space School.
Bio-data: Xuan Kong Feng Shui and Ba Zi (Four Pillars of Destiny, Traditional Chinese Astrology), studied with Master Joseph Yu of Feng Shui Research Center, Toronto, Canada, and studied Zhineng Shigong with Master Dong-Yue Su in Sweden. Member of the Instructors of the Feng Shui Board of the Time-Space School.
Verksam i: Sverige och Spanien, kan även resa utan begränsningar efter överenskommelse.
Locale: Sweden and Spain, unlimited travel also depending on conditions.

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United Kingdom

Alan Stirling, RCFSS
Feng Shui Teacher and Consultant
Alan Stirling Feng Shui
16 Ash Road
Rochester Upon Medway
Kent ME2 2JL
Office: [44] 1634 300887
Locale: UK and travel extensively to all parts of the world.
Services: Offers courses and consultations on all forms of Feng Shui and Earth Accupuncture/Geopathic Stress removal from classical to modern approaches. Specializing in personal development for the individual or team building through the understanding of the natural cycles that we are all subject to.

Nick Sunderland
Traditional Feng Shui Consultations and Interior Design
Feng Shui Interiors
11 Sandstone Drive
Kent ME10 2PP
Office: 44(0)1795 439 028
Locale: UK and extensive International destinations.
Services: Surveys for home and business throughout the UK, as well as International Government Offices, Private residences, as well as Corporate Business.
Bio-Data: Form School Flying Star, I Ching, 8 mansion, Space clearing and Sun Tzu. Certified studies with Raymond Lo, Master Studies with Lillian Too, Yap Cheng Hai. Training with Geomancer, Feng Shui Network, Karen Kingston, Ellie Baker and Denise Linn. International Lectures and Workshops, contributor for Radio and TV as well as National and International Press and Magazines. Involved in launch of Feng Shui for Modern Living.

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Ken Mardle
Traditional Feng Shui Practitioner
65 Ashford Road
Old Town
Wiltshire SN1 3NS
Office: [44] 01793-531852
Mobile: [44] 0790 041030 Fax: [44] 01793-531852 Email:
Locale: UK, and will travel abroad if conditions are acceptable to both parties.
Services: Feng Shui audits for home and business premises. Site and floor plan assessments and consultations. Off-site consultations available if preferred. Introductory Talks available on request. Bio-Data: Certified Xuan Kong Feng Shui correspondence course with Master Joseph Yu - Flying Stars including "Replacement Stars" and "Divine Water and Mountain Dragon" methods. These authentic and time-proven methods of "Form and Compass" help create harmony in your living and/or working environment. Initial training with Feng Shui Network International. Most influencial teachers have been Roger Green, Simon Brown, Jon Sandifer, and Ron Chin.

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USA - California

Lorraine Wilcox, L.Ac.
Tradtional Feng Shui Teacher
Los Angeles
Services: Tradtional Feng Shui Teacher
Bio-Data: - studied Xuan Kong Feng Shui, Zi Wei Dou Shu, Zi Ping Ba Zi (Four Pillars) with Master Sang of the American Feng Shui Institute since 1993. Have been his assistant since 1997. Teach Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology at AFSI. Helped Master Sang write a book on Zi Wei Dou Shu (yet unpublished).
- licensed acupuncturist in the state of California since 1989. Written a (yet unpublished book) on Zi Wu Liu Zhu (chrono-acupuncture), studied acupuncture orthopedics in Wang Jing Hospital in Beijing and with Dr. Gu, Hua. Taught for 8 years at Samra University of Oriental Medicine.
- studied Medical Four Pillars and other topics with Dr. Chang, Qing (who is a student of Wang, Li Ping).
- currently studying Chinese language with a goal of translating classical medical, feng shui and astrology texts into english.

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Ray Langley
Traditional Chinese Feng Shui Practitioner
9559 Meadowgreen Circle
Sacramento, CA 95827-3229
Office: 916.363.8780
Services: Traditional Practitioner of Chinese Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology.
Slogans: "Have Lo Pan, Will Travel"
Locale: Includes Northern California, San Francisco Bay Area, Reno and Lake Tahoe Areas. He is willing to travel anywhere, anytime.
Bio-Data: Has studied with Master Larry Sang of Los Angeles, California and Master Joseph Yu of Toronto, Canada. Has been translating the works of Masters Jiang Da Hong, Tan Yang Wu, and Shen Zhu Reng. Currently under the tutelage of two anonymous Masters of Feng Shui. Moderator of the Chinese Astrology Mailing List, the Chinese Feng Shui Mailing List, and the I Ching_Yi Jing Mailing List. Developer of free "Feng Shui for Windows Software Volumes 1, 2 & 3. Currently translating Chinese Feng Shui Texts into the English language and conducting a Free Four Pillars Chinese Astrology course on the Chinese Astrology list.

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USA - Oklahoma

Charles Younger
Traditonal Xuan Kong Feng Shui Practitioner
Bio-Data: Xuan Kong Feng Shui
Locale: Oklahoma, and mid-west by appointment.

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USA - Texas

Judy Adler
Professional Feng Shui Practitioner and Teacher
Adler Feng Shui
Office: 512.252.9534
Bio-Data: Has studied with Nancilee Wydra and currently a student of Master Joseph Yu. Has been providing International Feng Shui consultation services since 1994 and teaching Feng Shui since 1997. Call for rate information.
Locale: International.

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