History of Zhentil Keep and the Zhentarim

Last Update: April 21, 2004

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Much confusion exists in the Realms regarding Zhentil Keep and the (not-so) secret society known as the "Sky Pirates Network" or Zhentarim. The two are closely tied, such that a speaker may refer to one when meaning the other and still be clearly understood. In general, both mean trouble.

Zhentil Keep is a walled, flying citadel of Netheril origins frequently based on the western shores of the Moonsea near the goblinoid city of Zhent, but with the ability to travel around Toril. It is one of the most evil citadels in the Realms, a blight on the continent, and a haven for Evil groups, plotting manipulators, dark religions, and foul practices. Its ruler, the mysterious "Supreme Overlord Zhentar" seek to dominate the lands of Toril extracting tribute in coin, kind and slaves. The citadel of Zhentil Keep and its goblinoid imperial guard(known as the Zhentilar) have been a center of piracy, raiding, slaving and destruction in the past two centuries. Zhentil Keep has an even more ancient history. During its period of of the Moonsea Ascendancy (19th and 20th ascendancy), it came very close to asserting the Moonsea imperium into the Dalelands. It destroyed Teshendale (recolonizing it for the goblinoids) came close to destroying Daggerdale, and for a long time had an agent ruling Shadowdale.

The Moonsea Imperium This is a goblinoid kingdom that is the heart of the Supreme Overlord's power in Faerun. It's capital is the city of Zhent. It is populated by goblinoid tribes, and evil humans who have fallen under the sway of the Supreme Overlord. The Elves of the region, and humans who refused to bend to the will of the Supreme Overlord, have been exterminated from the region.

The Zhentarim is an organization of the elite champions of the Supreme Overlord. Comprised of evil priests, wizards, and inhuman creatures bent on controlling all the trade and power on Toril. The Zhentarim have a more far-reaching effect than Zhentilar, and have agents throughout the world. They were founded in 1807 DR.

The Zhentarim are not limited to Zhentil Keep itself, and in fact have responsibilities throught the Faerun Protectorate. Their chief area of oepration is a zone known as the Zhentarim Mandate. They have established four important strongholds in the region situated in the four quadrants of hte mandate: Citadel of the Raven, Citadel of the Assassins, The Prismatic Tower Ithfell and the Bastion of the Slavelords in the Thunder Peaks. Darkhold and Durlag's Towern the Westron Tributaries, Hellgate Keep in the Northern Marchhes are other key centers, they also maintain a number of lesser fortified outposts throughout the Realms. Over the last few years, more power has been moving away from The Moonsea Imperium and into these secondary centers as the Supreme Overlord extends his grasp.

A General history of the Realms