Woody's Diablo Asylum
The Asylum's Site Map:

A Quick Tour of Woody's Diablo Asylum:

Woody's Tower: The Tower is Woody's permanent home. Feel free to look around, you can read stories of Woody's Adventures or the exploits of other Followers of the Way. Also, Woody keeps some of his excess stuff laying around for fledgling Nudists.

Surviving the Way: Tips and strats to help fledgling Followers of the Way survive.

The Hall of Heroes: A shrine to those that have achieved one or more of the main goals of Beyond Nakedness.

The Message Board: This is where the Followers of the Way hang out (no pun intended). The Message board that can be used to ask questions about the rules, tell tales, swap items or just plaing brag. If you're new to the Asylum, drop by and say "hi".

Suggested Links: Pretty much self explanitory. Go here for a bunch of sites that have been given Woody's Seal of Approval.

Beyond Naked Mages (BNM): The subclass that started it all and the original testament to the Beyond Naked Way! Everything you need to know about BNM's can be found here

Barbarians (BAR): Beyond Nakedness for Warriors! This follow up class by Lok poses the same challenge for warriors that BNM's pose for Mages.

Archers (ARC): Beyond Nakedness for Rogues! Maya created the Rogue compliment to BNM's and BAR's and it's one helluva fun class.

More rule variants! Contributions to the Beyond Naked Way by Followers all over the globe! If the classes listed above don't float your boat, you should be able to find something in here that does.