“A duty to train, continue and strengthen. A mind capable of attacking without hesitation. This is the heart of Bushin Style.”

If ever there was a contradiction in the world of good and evil, a ninja who follows the bushido code is just that. Throughout history, the ninja were known not only for their techniques of stealth, but as assassins and spies who used deception, trickery and foul play to achieve their goals. However, disciples of the Bushinryu school are warriors of honor who seek to destroy evil and uphold the rights of the innocent and just. And now the fate of Bushinryu rests in the hands of its chosen successor, a young warrior named Guy.

Throughout his life, Guy has proven his uncanny fighting ability throughout his ongoing journey to perfect his skills. He was chosen as heir by Genryusai, a legendary master of the Bushin arts, not only for his fighting ability, but his indomitable spirit and sense of justice.

Guy began his training at the early age of 5 years old. Genryusai entrusted his student Zeku, now a master, to train Guy. Along with Genryusai’s daughters Maki and Rena, the three were instilled with the values and techniques, which have been passed down from generation to generation. As the years passed, Guy’s skill increased at an alarming rate under Zeku’s teaching. When it was time, Zeku sent him out to start the journey that would make him a Bushin master. “You must find your own way, overcoming everything to tap the power within you.” With that, Guy left home for the first time. He journeyed across the world, seeking out evil and destroying his foes.

His path led him to Metro City, a place infested by criminals and gangsters. There, he befriended Cody, a local street fighter, and Mike Haggar, ex-wrestler turned mayor. Together, they crushed the Mad Gear gang and made the city a safer place. Guy left Metro to continue his journey. As he resumed his pursuit, he realized that Zeku never intended him to rely solely on the principles and techniques he passed to him. They would not be enough for him to complete his journey. “Fighting style must be created. It is not something that can be passed down”. He fought on, adapting his newfound ideals and combining them with new techniques. Along the way, he crossed paths with many great and infamous fighters. Adding his own experiences and spirit, Guy instilled new life into the old Bushin Style. Another test awaited him back in Metro City. The Mad Gear gang had reorganized into the Skull Cross and resumed their efforts to take over the city. Coming to the aid of an old friend, Guy helped Haggar once again to defeat the new threat.

Upon their victory, Guy decided it was time to return home. Impressed with the progress of his student, Zeku believed Guy was ready for his final test. “To become a master, you must overcome everything”. It was then that Guy fought his teacher for the first time. Zeku, pleased with Guy’s progress and his skill, brought him before Genryusai and proclaimed him a Bushin master. Now, with a mission to push his skill even further, Guy continues his mission to destroy the evils of the world. “But remember, Bushin is only a name. Do not be impressed by its label and you will truly be strong.” These were the last words of advice Zeku passed to Guy.

“When a threat to the world arises, so will the shadow of Bushin.”

Other Tidbits -

: 12/08/1967
Bust: 108cm
Waist: 77cm
Hips: 82cm
Biceps: 66cm
Tights: 59cm
Other measures: 16/24cm, 36cm
Birthplace: Japan
Status: Bachelor
Underwear: Don't use
Likes: Martial Arts, Sneakers
Dislikes: Mad Gears, Horizontal writing


Guy has connections to other characters in the Capcom universe. Some of them are pretty strange. Here's what I know....

Maki- Studied Bushinryu with Guy under Master Zeku. She is Genryusai's daughter and Rena's sister.

Rena- Also studied with Guy and Maki. She is Guy's girlfriend. However, she did not pursue martial arts as a way of life.

Ryu/Ken- Friends of Guy. The three met during their quests to improve their skills.

Kairi- Guy's younger brother. He woke up one day not knowing who he was and with large scars on his body. A man came to him saying that he could learn more about himself if he defeated a certain enemy. Desperate to discover his past, Kairi destroyed everyone in his way, not knowing he was headed down a dark path.

Hokuto/Nanase- Guy's sisters. Hokuto is searching for Kairi. She wants to bring him home and help him remember who he is. Hokuto studies Kobujutsu.