Poetry interpretations of Mirza Assad-Ullah Khan Ghalib. The man, the genius, the legend.

Ye masaail-e-tasawwuf, ye tera bayaaN 'GHalib'
Tujhe ham walee samajhate, jo na baada_KHwaar hota

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Welcome to our homepage. I would like to start by saying that this website is a collaborate effort between my brother and myself. It is the product of many sleepless nights and much contemplation. What started out as a spark of an idea, has turned into something much appreciated by the Urdu community around the world and we have everyone in our guestbooks(and those who didn't sign :0)) to thank for that. Your comments are very appreciated! Tashree in the Urdu language means an in-depth interpretation of a verse or poem. In the case of Ghalib's poetry the word tashree takes on a whole new meaning. To decipher his intricately woven metaphors into something that the reader can relate to and translate them into everyday life is to begin to understand the genius of Ghalib. No one can be an expert on tashree, because the poet's thoughts will always be his own. What we can only hope to accomplish through this site is to give you our opinion on what he might be saying and expect to learn more from your input.
If you are a fan of Mirza Ghalib's poetry and have often contemplated the diversity of his verses and their interpretation, you've stumbled upon something that might interest you. We have always been fascinated by the many distinct possibilities of tashree apparent in most of Ghalib's poetry. You can find some of Ghalib's poetry rendered in Roman script at Navin Kabra's Ghazals of Mirza Ghalib. We found his guide to transliteration very useful.
To learn more about the structure of a ghazal, click here. We will be posting a new ghazal periodically with our humble interpretation. To read the literal translation and an in-depth interpretation of the individual asha'ar click on the link below each verse.

Most recent Ghazal:

Zulmat kade meiN mere

Na tha kuchch to KHuda tha,kuchch na hota to KHuda hota
Duboya mujhko hone ne,na hota maiN to kya hota ?
Huaa jab GHam se yooN behis to GHam kya sar ke kaTne ka
Na hota gar juda tan se to zaanooN par dhaRa hota
Huee muddat ke 'GHalib' mar gaya par yaad aata hai
Wo har ek baat pe kehana, ke yooN hota to kya hota ?

To view Ghazals We have previously interpreted please check out our Archives...
Previous Ghazal Interpretations

Ho Chukeen Ghalib Balayen sab tamaam Ek Marg-e-Nagahaani Aur Hai


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